Assessment of right ventricular dysfunction in acute pulmonary thromboembolism by using various scoring system Journal title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal Authors: Lokesh Tahnikavelu, Prabhu Radhan, Roy Santhosham, Ilanchezian Subramanyam, Venkata Sai Subject(s):
NEUTROPHILIC LYMPHOCYTIC RATIO AS A PROGNOSTIC INDICATOR IN ACUTE PANCREATITIS Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Vijayakumar K Karikkili, Arun Damodharan, Divya Devi H, Swaminathan Ganesan Subject(s):
PREDICTION OF OUTCOME USING THE MANNHEIM PERITONITIS INDEX IN CASES OF PERITONITIS Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Sanjeev Agarwal, Lalit Shrimali, Ritu Mehta, Joshi C. P Subject(s):
STUDY OF CERVICAL CYTOLOGY IN PAPANICOLAOU SMEAR IN TERTIARY CARE CENTRE Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Jayun Manish Joshi, Munjal Jayeshkumar Pandya, Janki Munjal Pandya, Pallavi Ashokbhai Patel, Pratik... Subject(s):
Developing a Scoring System in the Diagnosis of Tuberculous Pleural Effusion Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Jayaprakash. B Subject(s):
Surgical management of fractures of distal end radius with locking compression plate Journal title: Surgical Update: International Journal of Surgery and Orthopedics Authors: Lakshman Prasath Govindarajan, Arun Rajamanickam, Shankar Radhakrishnan Subject(s): Medicine, Orthopedics, Surgery, Health and Wellness
A Simple Computed Tomography Scoring System to Predict Histological Malignancy of Solitary Fibrous Tumors of the Pleura Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Siegfried Hélage, Marie-Pierre Revel, Marco Alifano, Audrey Mansuet-Lupo, Dominique Vadrot Subject(s):
Sassone Scoring System in Differentiating Benign and Malignant Adnexal Masses. Journal title: IJAR-Indian Journal of Applied Research Authors: Dr Vikram Shende, Dr Anand Kamat, Dr Swapnil Raut, Dr Prajakta Jagtap, Dr Pranjal Bobade, Dr Sumit K... Subject(s):
Functional outcome of tibial plateau fractures: A prospective study Journal title: Medpulse International Journal of Orthopedics Authors: Nishant Panegaon, Vinay Patil, Lalit Kumar Joon Subject(s):
Lower urinary tract dysfunction symptoms by Modified Dysfunctional Voiding Scoring System in school age (6-12 years) children Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Maneesha Bhargava, Jitender Solanki, Amarjeet Mehta Subject(s):
Distal Femur Fractures Treated With Mipo Locking Compression Plate Technique: A Prospective Study On The Functional Outcome Journal title: International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences Authors: M Chandrasekaran, Ravichandran Subbaraj, R Nandakumar, Krishna Bhargava Reddy Subject(s):
COMPARISON OF RIPASA AND ALVARADO SCORING SYSTEM IN ACUTE APPENDICITIS- A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Thameen Ansara S, Vishnu Kumar S Subject(s):
Clinical Study of Acute Appendicitis with Special Reference to Alvarado Score Journal title: MVP Journal of Medical Sciences Authors: Hemantkumar Gopal Borse, Jayverdhan . Subject(s):
Functional outcome of tibial plateau fractures: A prospective study Journal title: Medpulse International Journal of Pathology Authors: Nishant Panegaon, Vinay Patil, Lalit Kumar Joon Subject(s):
Functional outcome of tibial plateau fractures: A prospective study Journal title: Medpulse International Journal of Orthopedics Authors: Nishant Panegaon, Vinay Patil, Lalit Kumar Joon Subject(s):