Scrotal Reconstruction for Fournier Gangrene Using the Isolated Island Groin Flap Journal title: IJAR-Indian Journal of Applied Research Authors: Dr. Richa jaiman, Dr Puneet Srivastava Subject(s):
Dystrophic Calcified Nodule Testis - A Rare Case Report Journal title: Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports Authors: Dr. A.S. Grover, Dr. Mukesh Goel, Dr. Abhitesh Singh, Dr. Guramritpal Singh, Dr Anil Kumar Suri, Dr.... Subject(s):
Clinical Profile Of Patients With Acute Scrotal Pain: An Observational Study Journal title: National Journal of Medical and Dental Research Authors: Vyas Harigopal, Anand Singh, Apturkar Dilip Subject(s):
Clinical profile of testicular maldescend at a tertiary care hospital Journal title: Medpulse International Journal of Surgery Authors: Sarang Vasudev Dhavale, Vasim Mahibub Mulla Subject(s):