UNDERSTANDING SELF-HARM IN YOUNG PEOPLE: AN EMOTIONAL UNBALANCE IN NEED FOR INTERVENTION Journal title: Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century Authors: Marta Reis, Margarida Gaspar de Matos, Lúcia Ramiro, Isa Figueira Subject(s): Psychology
The Role of Job Burnout and Depression in Self-Destructive Behavior of Islamic Republic of Iran's Army Personnel Journal title: Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Authors: Arsia Taghva, Mahdi Imani, Mohammad Kazemia, Khadijeh Shiralinia Subject(s):
Associations between deliberate self-harm episodes in psychiatrically hospitalised youth and the type of mental disorders and selected environmental factors Journal title: Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Authors: Dorota Warzocha, Tomasz Pawełczyk, Agnieszka Gmitrowicz Subject(s):
Differences between suicide and non-suicidal self-harm behaviours: a literary review. Journal title: Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Authors: Joanna Halicka Subject(s):
Άμεσος Πατερναλισμός: Τιμωρώντας τους Δράστες της Αυτοπροσβολής Journal title: Intellectum Authors: Andrew von Hirsch Subject(s):
Ocena stylów radzenia sobie ze stresem i inteligencji emocjonalnej u samouszkadzającej się młodzieży leczonej psychiatrycznie w zależności od wybranych czynników klinicznych Journal title: Psychiatria Polska Authors: Agnieszka Gmitrowicz, Anna Szczepaniak, Karolina Jabłkowska-Górecka Subject(s):
The evaluation of the stress coping styles and emotional intelligence in psychiatrically treated adolescent patients with deliberate self-harm in relation to chosen clinical features Journal title: Psychiatria Polska Authors: Agnieszka Gmitrowicz, Anna Szczepaniak, Karolina Jabłkowska-Górecka Subject(s):
Zachowania autodestrukcyjne w świetle psychoanalizy — analiza przypadku Journal title: Psychoterapia Authors: Beata Boćwińska-Kiluk Subject(s):
Deliberate Self harm in Alcohol Dependent Outpatients in Tertiary Care Centre Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Padmini Cherukunnath Subject(s):
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF FATAL DELIBERATE SELF-HARM IN THE YEAR 2000 AND 2015- AN AUTOPSY STUDY Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Rajeev V.M, Jinesh P.S, Ravikumar K Subject(s):
Socio-demographic correlates of deliberate self-harm among the patients of substance abuse disorders attending a Medical College of West Bengal Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Authors: Aditya Prasad Sarkar, Subrata Sen, Prasenjit Ray, Amitava Chakraborty, Nandini Bhaduri, Asim Kumar M... Subject(s):
Auto-amputation in a severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms: case report Journal title: Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Authors: Askaniusz Jachimowski, Julia Beil- Gawełczyk, Beata Trędzbor Subject(s):
The Antecedents, Treatment Strategies and Motivations of Self-harm among Teenagers: Case of Bridge for Youth, Minneapolis, USA Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: LoiceChemutai Ngetich, SellahJerop Chepkwony Subject(s):
Prevalence of Yellow Oleander (Thevetiaperuviana) Poisoning in Eastern Part of the Srilanka Journal title: Saudi Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Umakanth M Subject(s): Pharmaceutical science - Pharmaceutical science
PSYCHODIAGNOSTIC OF SELF-AGGRESSION: EXTENDING RESEARCH TOOLS Journal title: Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Психологічні науки» Authors: Н.В. Завязкіна, А.Р Кендзерська Subject(s):