DIFFERENCES IN THE LEVEL OF SITUATIONAL –MOTOR ABILITIES OF FOOTBALL PLAYERS OF DIFFERENT LEVEL COMPETITIONS Journal title: Sport Mont Authors: Omer Špirtović, Danilo Aćimović, Aleksandar Joksimović Subject(s):
The Role of University in Seniors’ Education: A Romanian Perspective Journal title: Social Sciences and Education Research Review Authors: Alexandru-Constantin Strungă Subject(s):
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AS PREVENTION OF CHRONIC ILLNESSES IN SENIORS Journal title: Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine Authors: Katarzyna Sygit, Marian Sygit, Mariusz Pietrzak Subject(s):
Zoom do vzdelávania seniorov U3V na KTIT Journal title: Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka Authors: JÁN ŠIRKA, MIROSLAV ŠEBO Subject(s):
Social innovation, public policy and organizational learning: the national homecare program Journal title: Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad Authors: Adriana Fassio, María Gabriela Rutty, Yenny Patricia Ortiz Rojas, Yazmin Noriega, Gisela Aijenbon Subject(s):
Responsible innovation in public policy: Compulsory banking of the elderly in Argentina Journal title: Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad Authors: Adriana Fassio, Javier Ignacio García Fronti Subject(s):
Srebrne treści cyfrowe: międzypokoleniowy transfer mądrości przez internetowe twórcze pisanie osób starszych / Silver Digital Content: Intergenerational Transfer of Wisdom through Seniors’ Creative Writing on the Web Journal title: Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich Authors: Piotr Toczyski Subject(s): Literature, Languages and Literature
Food Shopping Behaviour in Older Consumers´ Segment Journal title: International Conference on Marketing and Business Development Authors: Dagmar Lesakova Subject(s):
Composite Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction Journal title: International Conference on Marketing and Business Development Authors: Dagmar Lesakova Subject(s):
SENIORZY W POLSKIEJ POLITYCE SPOŁECZNEJ Journal title: Scientific Bulletin of Chełm – Section of Pedagogy Authors: HALINA BEJGER Subject(s):
Romanian and German Seniors in Quest of Online Health-Related Information: An Exploratory Comparative Study Journal title: Revista Română de Comunicare şi Relaţii Publice Authors: Valentina Marinescu, Simona Rodat Subject(s):
Quality of life and active and successful ageing – an outline (Jakość życia a aktywne i pomyślne starzenie się – zarys problematyki) Journal title: Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie Authors: Tomasz Zalega Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Management
Durable goods possessed by seniors’ households as researched by the author (Wyposażenie gospodarstw domowych seniorów w dobra trwałego użytku w świetle wyników badań własnych) Journal title: Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie Authors: Tomasz Zalega Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Management
EQUAL TREATMENT OF YOUNG PEOPLE AND SENIORS: “PLEADING” FOR A SPECIAL LAW ON AGE DISCRIMINATION Journal title: Challenges of the knowledge society ( Provocari ale societatii cunoasterii ) Authors: FELICIA BEJAN Subject(s):
Smart Shopping in Consumer Behaviour of Polish Seniors (Report from Own Research) Journal title: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia Authors: Tomasz Zalega Subject(s):