Gemcitabine and cisplatin combined with the Chinese herbal medicine compound Fuzhenggubenfang improve quality of life and progression-free survival in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer Journal title: Traditional Medicine Research Authors: Dong-Mei Jiang, Feng-Wei Wang, Li-Juan Zhang, Long Zhang, Tai Zhang, Wen-Hua Zhang Subject(s): Medicine
Non-small-cell lung cancer Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Maciej Krzakowski Subject(s):
The influence of cotinine on the non-small-cell lung cancer line A549 Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Jakub Nowak, Alina Grzanka, Maciej Gagat, Agnieszka Żuryń Subject(s): Medicine
Wpływ kotyniny na komórki linii niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuc A549 Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Jakub Nowak, Alina Grzanka, Maciej Gagat, Agnieszka Żuryń Subject(s): Medicine
Retrospektywna analiza danych dotyczących chorych leczonych operacyjnie z powodu drobnokomórkowego raka płuca Journal title: Onkologia Polska Authors: Piotr Potemski, Anna Płużańska, Ewa Chmielowska, Radzisław Kordek Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Oncology
Cancer immunotherapy in second-line treatment of non-small cell lung cancer – is there a need to change the approach to the assessment of clinical benefits? Journal title: JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY & OUTCOMES RESEARCH Authors: Anna Panasiuk, Rafał Wójcik, Małgorzata Budasz-Świderska, Marcin Kaczor Subject(s):
Thyroid-Induced Toxicity of Check-Point Inhibitors Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Journal title: Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes Authors: Cesare Gridelli, Emanuela Rossi, Assunta Sgambato, Giovanni De Chiara, Fortunato Ciardiello Subject(s):
Nivolumab Maintenance as Monotherapy after Carboplatin Plus Nab- Paclitaxel for First-Line Treatment of Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Study Protocol for Feasibility
Concurrent Hyperfractionated Chemoradiation Versus Conventional Fractionated Chemoradiation with Low-dose Weekly Paclitaxel in Locally Advanced Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer in a Tertiary Cancer Center in Kashmir: A Prospective Study Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY Authors: Wani Y Nahida, Subiya Kaneez, Bhat Tanveer, Mohd Ashraf, Muhib Ul Haq, Abdul Majeed, Sanaullah Kucha... Subject(s):
A Non smoker presenting as small cell carcinoma:A Rare case report Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH IN MEDICAL SCIENCES Authors: *Nishanth .P.S ,*Rajwinder Kaur,**NC Kajal,*Srijna Rana, ***N.S.Neki Subject(s):
Prediction of Prognostic Factors in the Survival of Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Patients with Multiple Brain Metastases Journal title: Istanbul Medical Journal Authors: Özlem Mermut, Berrin İnanç, Aytül Hande Yardımcı Subject(s): Medicine
Relationship between driver gene mutation status in non-small cell lung cancer and the incidence of venous thromboembolism: a Meta-analysis Journal title: Chinese Journal of Clinical Research Authors: LI Huimin,TIAN Yu, LI Hong, LI Yulu, LUO Qin Subject(s): Medicine