A study on migraine in tertiary care centre at Dharmapuri district Journal title: International Archives of Integrated Medicine Authors: JA Vasanthakumar, K Ganesamoorthi Subject(s):
SYNDEMIC INTERACTION BETWEEN HIV AND TB- A CATASTROPHIC DUET Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Ivneet Kour, Ramandeep Kaur, Dhruvendra Lal, Sumit Kapoor, Gursimran Singh Subject(s):
A study of symptomatic choledochal cyst in South India Journal title: International Archives of Integrated Medicine Authors: Allwin James, Prem Kumar Karunakaran, Rabindranath Eswaran, Venkateswaran AR Subject(s):
Investigating Childhood Abuse and Psychological Symptom Level of Teacher Candidates Journal title: Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Authors: serpil pekdogan Subject(s):
An Overview of Asthma and its treatment Journal title: Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Dr. Manish Kumar Gupta Subject(s):
THE ORETICAL ANALYSIS OF PROFESSIONALEX HAUSTION OF WORKER SOF REHABILITATION CENTERS FOR PEOPLE WITH MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISORDERS Journal title: Науковий вісник Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету імені К. Д. Ушинського Authors: V. Boksgorn Subject(s):
Clinical Expressive Symptoms and Socio-Occupational Functioning among Person with Schizophrenia Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Medicine surgery and Radiology Authors: Rajni S, Anshu S, Raqueb A, Manisha K, Amool Ranjan S Subject(s):
Clinical characteristics in children with celiac disease: a single center results Journal title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE Authors: Halil Haldun Emiroğlu, Melike Emiroğlu, Hikmet Akbulut, Ahmet Eryılmaz, Rumeysa Olcay Bayram, Ayşe Y... Subject(s):
Comparison of comorbidities between rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis in a tertiary care rheumatic center Journal title: International Archives of Integrated Medicine Authors: T.N. Tamil Selvam, V.A. Sowndhariya, N.K. Senthil Nathan Subject(s):
Blood Pressure Variations with Postural Changes among Elderly Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research Authors: Kartheek R. Balapala, Yerra V. A. Rama Lakshmi Subject(s):
Awareness and Socioeconomic Parameters of Patients Suffering from Asthma - A Hospital based Study Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research Authors: Achchhar Singh, Jai Kishan, Parvinder Singh Subject(s):
Memantine add-on to Atypical Antipsychotics for Treatment of Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research Authors: Pavan Kumar Pardal, Abhilasha Gupta Subject(s):
Ocular symptoms in computers users - A clinical study Journal title: International Archives of Integrated Medicine Authors: Pragati Garg, Rajendra Bundela, B.B. Lal, Dr. Nishant Subject(s):
Tuberculosis of ash trees in Western Podillya of Ukraine: etiology, symptomatology and pathogenesis Туберкульоз ясена звичайного у Західному Поділлі України: етіологія, симптоматика, патогенез Journal title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України Authors: Anatoliy Goychuk, Valentin Drozda, Ivanna Kulbanska Subject(s):
Risk of birch disappearance in Zhytomyr Polissya of Ukraine Ризик зникнення берези повислої в Житомирському Поліссі України Journal title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України Authors: Anatoliy Goychuk, Valentin Drozda, Marina Shvets Subject(s):