Blood characteristics, microbial and gastrointestinal parasites of street pigeons (Columba Livia) in Owerri Imo State, N Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: M.N. Opara| Department of Animal Science and Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, N... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Effects of egg albumen as binder, on yield and sensory characteristics of frankfurter sausages Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: M. Teye*| Animal Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University for Development Studies, Tam... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Prevalence of intestinal parasites of dogs slaughtered at Mami market area, Sokoto, Nigeria Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: A. Mahmuda*| Department of Parasitology and Entomology,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Usmanu Danfod... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Gastrointestinal helminth parasitesof clariasgariepinus (catfish) in lakehawassa, Ethiopia Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: A. Hussen*| Haramaya University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ethiopia, M. Tefera| Haramaya Univer... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Seed dispersal by serrated tortoises (Psammobates Oculiferus) and the effect of their gut passage on seed germination Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: M.R. Setlalekgomo*| Department of Basic Sciences, Botswana College of Agriculture, Gaborone, Botswan... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Fuzzy approach to estimate the demand and supply quantitative imbalance at the labor market of information technology specialists Journal title: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering Authors: Masuma Mammadova*| Institute of Information Technology of National Academy Science of Azerbaijan, Za... Subject(s): Engineering, Nanotechnology
Intestinal microbiota of ornamental fish Carassius auratus Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: Dafne Itzel Orozco Rojas| Departamento El Hombre y su Ambiente, Calzada del Universidad Autónoma Met... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Intestinal microbiota composition with probiotic potential of three species of the genus Chirostoma Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: Monroy Dosta María del Carmen*| Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Xochimilco. Depto. El Homb... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Some comparative gross and morphometrical studies on the gastrointestinal tract in pigeon (columbia livia) and Japanese quail (coturnix japonica) Journal title: Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances Authors: S.A. Hena*| Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Usmanu Danfodiyo Unive... Subject(s): Microbiology, Parasitology, Veterinary Science, Pharmacology, Physiology
Lactational cadmium exposure induced alterations in the hematological indices and oxidative status in brain, liver and testes of rat pups Journal title: Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances Authors: E.E. Elsharkawy*| Department of forensic medicine and toxicology faculty of veterinary medicine. Ass... Subject(s): Microbiology, Parasitology, Veterinary Science, Pharmacology, Physiology
Seasonal prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes of calves in Sokoto northwestern Nigeria Journal title: Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances Authors: A. Mahmuda*| Department of Parasitology and Entomology,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Usmanu Danfod... Subject(s): Microbiology, Parasitology, Veterinary Science, Pharmacology, Physiology
Epidemiology of gastrointestinal parasites of one- humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) slaughtered in Sokoto central abattoir, Sokoto state, Nigeria Journal title: Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances Authors: S. Ukashatu*| Department of Animal Health and Technology Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, Katsina S... Subject(s): Microbiology, Parasitology, Veterinary Science, Pharmacology, Physiology
Survey of zoonotic gastrointestinal parasites of dogs (Canis familiaris) slaughtered at Zuru area, Kebbi state, Nigeria Journal title: Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances Authors: A.A. Magaji*| Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Sokoto, Nigeria., M.N.... Subject(s): Microbiology, Parasitology, Veterinary Science, Pharmacology, Physiology
First-time detection of tuberculosis in goats by single intradermal tuberculin test in the northern part of Ethiopia Journal title: Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances Authors: D. Hussien*| College of Veterinary Medicine, Mekelle University, P.O. Box 231, Mekelle, Ethiopia., S... Subject(s): Microbiology, Parasitology, Veterinary Science, Pharmacology, Physiology
Effect of use cumulative levels of sesame (sesamum indicum-l) meal with phytase enzyme on performance of broiler chicks Journal title: Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances Authors: Y. Rahimian*| Departemant of Animal Science, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan branch, Isfahan, Ira... Subject(s): Microbiology, Parasitology, Veterinary Science, Pharmacology, Physiology