„Buziaczki dla pana Salazara”, czyli obraz portugalskiego dyktatora António Oliveira Salazara w skierowanych do niego listach dzieci i młodzieży (1929–1968). Przegląd materiałów archiwalnych Journal title: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Historica Authors: Monika Nowak-Vilela Subject(s): Humanities
Dlaczego król Zulusów Dingaan zdecydował się na zabójstwo Pieta Retiefa i jego towarzyszy? Journal title: Afryka Authors: Michał Leśniewski Subject(s): Education, Science
Rola i funkcje lançados i tangomãos na przełomie XVI i XVII w. Journal title: Afryka Authors: Krzysztof Gadecki Subject(s): Education, Science
Migration of Ukrainian Nationals to Portugal: Changing Flows and the Critical Role of Social Networks Journal title: Central and Eastern European Migration Review Authors: Alina Esteves, Sónia Pereira, Maria Fonseca Subject(s):
Mobilność w optyce młodych osób – na przykładzie Polski i Portugalii Journal title: Edukacja Ekonomistów i Menedżerów Authors: Izabela Bednarska - Wnuk Subject(s):
Navigation Simulator: Professional and Academic Learning Tool for the Students of the Portuguese Naval Academy Journal title: TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation Authors: António Lopes Ferreira, Isabel Bué, Custódio Lopes Subject(s):
Development of a Behavioural Marker System for Rating Cadet’s Non-Technical Skills Journal title: TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation Authors: Victor Fernando Plácido da Conceição, João Cruz Basso, Custódio Lopes, Joakim Dahlman Subject(s):
Un argot amoureux inventé dans le roman La Toussaint de Jean Espar de Robert Reus Journal title: Argotica Authors: Emmanuel Deronne Subject(s):
O CINEMA E A LEGISLAÇÃO DO ESTADO NOVO: CONTEXTO E ANÁLISE Journal title: Itinerarios. Revista de estudios lingüísticos, literarios, históricos y antropológicos Authors: Anna OLCHÓWKA Subject(s): Linguistics, Literature, Languages and Literature, Philology, Anthropology
Efficacy of dual Task Training to Improve Function Gait Performance In Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease Subject Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Pandian Sankara Kumaran Subject(s):
MOTIVATION AND BENEFITS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION ACCORDING ISO 9001 - THE PORTUGUESE EXPERIENCE Journal title: International Journal for Quality Research Authors: Gilberto Santos, António Leal Millán Subject(s):
VIRTUALSIGN TRANSLATOR AS A BASE FOR A SERIOUS GAME Journal title: Journal of Information Technology and Application (JITA) Authors: Paula M. de Sá, O. Escudeiro, Marcelo Norberto, Jorge Lopes Subject(s):
The potential of intergenerational conversations on professions to help organizations become intergenerational intelligent Journal title: Journal of Aging and Innovation Authors: Marta Gonçalves Subject(s):
Статеве виховання учнів у закладах освіти країн першої хвилі вступу до Європейського співтовариства Journal title: Порівняльно-педагогічні студії Authors: Оксана БЯЛИК Subject(s):
Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’nin Kuruluş Devrinde Mezhep Politikaları/Sectarian Politics In The Foundation Period Of Great Seljuk State Journal title: Bilimname Authors: Abdullah Ömer YAVUZ Subject(s):