BULGARIAN TEACHERS’ CAREER MOTIVATORS Journal title: Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century Authors: Stanislava Stoyanova Subject(s): Psychology
PILOT STUDY OF TEACHER BURNOUT IN GEORGIAN CONTEXT Journal title: Problems of Management in the 21st Century Authors: Maya Bitsadze, Marine Japaridze Subject(s): Management Science
USAGE OF SELECTED RESOURCES FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN MAINSTREAM PRIMARY SCHOOLS: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES FROM A KENYAN PERSPECTIVE Journal title: Problems of Management in the 21st Century Authors: Pamela Buhere, Pamela Ochieng Subject(s): Management Science
LOCUS OF CONTROL IN GEORGIAN TEACHERS AND ITS RELATION TO TEACHER BURNOUT Journal title: Problems of Management in the 21st Century Authors: Maya Bitsadze, Marine Japaridze Subject(s): Management Science
TEACHERS MATTER…DON’T THEY?: PLACING TEACHERS AND THEIR WORK IN THE GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY Journal title: Revista Espaço do Currículo Authors: Susan L. Robertson Subject(s): Education, Curriculum Studies
DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION IN MODERN SCHOOL Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Lazar Stošić, Dr., Irena Stošić Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
STUDENTS’ OPPINION ABOUT PROFESSIONAL ETHICS RELATION OF THE TEACHERS Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Vera Stojanovska, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
VIOLENCE AGAINST TEACHERS- RULE OR EXCEPTION? Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Maja Lokmić, MD student, Siniša Opić, Dr., Vesna Bilić, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
TEACHING AND LEARNING OF ECOLOGY FOR THE STUDENTS OF VOCATIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MULTIMEDIA ENVIRONMENT Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Vladimir Matić, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
PREPARING STUDENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF A NEW TEACHER CONTENT, AN IMPORTANT PREREQUISITE FOR THE SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TASK OF TEACHING Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Zvezdan Arsić, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
THE PEDAGOGICAL FUNCTION OF THE HOMEROOM TEACHER INTO THE NEW CONCEPT OF PRIMARY EDUCATION IN REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Vera Stojanovska, Dr., Aneta Barakoska, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
RELATIONS BETWEEN MOTORIC ABILITIES AND SPECIFIC MOTORIC BASKETBALL SKILLS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Dejan Milenković, Dr., Igor Stanojević, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
ANALYSIS OF PRACTICAL ABILITY IMPROVEMENT FOR TEACHERS BASED ON THE “EXCELLENCE PLAN” Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Li Hong-Mei, Dr., Feng Zi-Ming, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Jasmina Delceva – Dizdarevik, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
CURRICULUM LEADERSIHP: STRATEGIES FOR LINKING THE WRITTEN AND DELIVERED CURRICULIM Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Lena Damovska, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research