Algunas actitudes y perspectivas intelectuales del profesor Artigas Journal title: Scientia et Fides Authors: María Ángeles Vitoria Subject(s):
The influence of laser re-melting on microstructure and hardness of gas-nitrided steel Journal title: Archives of Mechanical Technology and Materials Authors: Dominika Panfil, Piotr Wach, Michał Kulka, Jerzy Michalski Subject(s):
El olvido de los presupuestos de la ciencia y de la filosofía Journal title: Scientia et Fides Authors: Sergio Sánchez Subject(s):
Trivial Dialetheism and the Logic of Paradox Journal title: Logic and Logical Philosophy Authors: Jean-Yves Beziau Subject(s):
Mereology and truth-making Journal title: Logic and Logical Philosophy Authors: Peter Simons Subject(s):
Rational Agency from a Truth-Functional Perspective Journal title: Logic and Logical Philosophy Authors: Ekaterina Kubyshkina, Dmitry V. Zaitsev Subject(s):
"This is the Way and the Only Way" Critical Review of the Possibility of Recognizing the Religious Pluralism Approach in Teachings of Jainism and Buddhism Journal title: جستارهایی در فلسفه و کلام Authors: Mujtabā Zurvanī, IbrāHīM MūSāPūR Subject(s):
Neutrosophic elements in discourse Journal title: Social Sciences and Education Research Review Authors: Florentin Smarandache, Daniela Gîfu, Mirela Teodorescu Subject(s):
Basic Beliefs and the Way to Acquire Objective and Essential Knowledge from the Viewpoint of Muslim Philosophers and a Novel and Ontological Analysis of them Journal title: جستارهایی در فلسفه و کلام Authors: Morteza Haji Hosseini Subject(s):
A Critique of methodologism from the perspective of Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics Journal title: جستارهایی در فلسفه و کلام Authors: Alireza Azad, Ahmed Vaezi, Hassan Naghizadeh Subject(s):
Truth Disclosure –Its Influence on the Quality of Life in Cancer Patients at A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr.Epari Ravi Kiran Subject(s):
Realizacja dziennikarskiej zasady prawdy i obiektywizmu podczas polskiej kampanii parlamentarnej 2015 r. Journal title: Political Preferences Authors: Rafał Leśniczak Subject(s):
The Image of the World in the Yijing 易经 – an Attempt to Identify the Intellectual Context Proper to Chinese Philosophy Journal title: The Polish Journal of Aesthetics Authors: Anna Iwona Wójcik Subject(s):
Foreground-Background Separation From Video Clips Using RMAMR Method Along With Ground Truth Extraction Journal title: GRD Journal for Engineering Authors: Nifi C Joy, Prasad J. C. Subject(s):