Retrospective observational study of antimicrobial drugs utilization in medical ICU in a tertiary care teaching hospital of Himachal Pradesh Journal title: IP International Journal of Comprehensive and Advanced Pharmacology Authors: Arvind Kumar, Dinesh Kansal, Usha Kumari Chaudhary Subject(s):
An Evaluation of Domestic Gas Utilization on the Nigerian Economy Journal title: Journal of Economics, Management and Trade Authors: R. U. Onolemhemhen, T. J. Laniran, S. O. Isehunwa, A. Adenikinju Subject(s):
The Role of Natural Gas in Energy Security Journal title: Journal of Economics, Management and Trade Authors: R. U. Onolemhemhen, S. O. Isehunwa Subject(s):
Pigeon pea Genetic Resources and Its Utilization in India, Current Status and Future Prospects Journal title: Journal of Plant Science and Research Authors: Mohar Singh Subject(s):
Integrated alage culture as multypurpose solution for small pheasant farms Journal title: Вісник Дніпропетровського державного аграрно-економічного університету Authors: O. Onyshchenko Subject(s): Economics
EFFICIENCY OF COMBINED HEAT-UTILIZATION SYSTEMS OF BOILER INSTALLATIONS (PART 2) Journal title: Енергетика і автоматика Authors: Н. М. Фіалко, А. И. Степанова, Р. О. Навродська Subject(s):
Utilization of the Internet on Academic Information Systems IAIN Kendari Journal title: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal Authors: M.Amin, Ambar Sri Lestari Subject(s):
Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) Ownership and Utilization among Selected Dwellers of Rural Communities in Rivers State, Nigeria Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: B. Njoku, N. Deebii, S. O. Amadi, U. Inwang Subject(s):
Evaluation of the advantages of usage of containers in Housing production in terms of sustainability Journal title: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal Authors: Ecem Akar, Dr. Müge Belek Fialho Teixeira, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz Ayşe Yazıcıoğlu Subject(s):
Econometric Analysis of Farmers Access to Agricultural Credit and Repayment in South East, Nigeria: Implications for Poverty Alleviation Journal title: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal Authors: Ugbajah M. O., J. T. Amah Subject(s):
Study on the utilization of different mode of access of drug information service in a tertiary care hospital Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Nasma P Subject(s):
Drug utilization pattern in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus visiting medicine department of MMIMSR and the most commonly used anti diabetic drugs Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Paras Koushal Subject(s):
Surface blast-cleaning waste as a replacement of fine aggregate in concrete Journal title: Architecture Civil Engineering Environment Authors: W. Kubissa, R. Jaskulski, T. Simon Subject(s):
Drug utilization evaluation of meropenem: an important broad-spectrum antibiotic for the treatment of serious bacterial infections in hospitalized patients Journal title: Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Farzaneh Foroughinia, Seyed Mohammadreza Hashemian, Fanak Fahimi Subject(s):