EDUCAŢIE DE MEDIU PRIN ARTĂ. STUDIU DE CAZ - PROIECTUL PĂSĂRI URBANE Journal title: EcoTerra (Journal of Environmental Research and Protection) Authors: Andor KÖMIVES, Theo MUREŞAN, Şoimiţa KÖMIVES Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION THROUGH ART. CASE STUDY - URBAN BIRDS PROJECT Journal title: EcoTerra (Journal of Environmental Research and Protection) Authors: Andor KÖMIVES, Theo MUREŞAN, Şoimiţa KÖMIVES Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
Wybrane korzyści wynikające ze stosowania biopaliw transportowych w Polsce Cz. I. Surowce odpadowe i uboczne do produkcji biopaliw transportowych Journal title: Przemysł Fermentacyjny i Owocowo-Warzywny Authors: Ewa Golisz, Karol Tucki, Maria Majkowska, Agata Żak Subject(s):
Lepsze życie śmieci? Design i upcykling Journal title: Kultura Popularna Authors: Karolina Izdebska Subject(s):
Use of some microbial enzymes and their compositions against phytopathogenes in agricultural areas Journal title: Бюллетень науки и практики Authors: Zakhro Akhmedova, Ziyoda Khamraeva, Munavar Yakhyaeva Subject(s): Technology
Treatment of pulp and paper mill effluent using low cost adsorbents: An overview Journal title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science Authors: Shaveta Kakkar, Anju Malik, Sanjeev Gupta Subject(s):
Experimental Study On The Enhancement In Concrete Due To The Ultra-Fine Particles Journal title: GRD Journal for Engineering Authors: Ahmed Abubakar Jariwala, Dhaduk Dipak, Abhishek Rana, Sunil Jaganiya, Pritesh Rathod Subject(s):
Wpływ bio-popiołów na wybrane właściwości zapraw cementowych Journal title: Przegląd Naukowy Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska Authors: Jakub Jura, Małgorzata Ulewicz Subject(s):
Effectiveness of Rural Waste Materials as Natural Fertilizers on Sustainable Soil Fertility and Productivity in Myanmar Journal title: International Journal of Plant & Soil Science Authors: Phyu Phyu Myint, May Thu Soe, War War Aung Subject(s):
Benefits of Incorporating Induction Furnace Slag in Concrete as Replacement of Cement: A Case Study of Pakistan Journal title: Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: Mohammad Laeeque Ahmed, Muhammad Afzal Javed, Abdul Sami Qureshi Subject(s):
Effect of Waste Cement Dust as Mineral Filler on Marshall Properties of Hot Mix Asphalt Journal title: Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: Sahar AA.Dawood, Zainab Subject(s):
Validation Approach on CAD Model and Prototype Model of the Paper Chair Journal title: International Journal of Modern Research In Engineering & Management. Authors: Wan Nurazri Wan Bukhari, Subject(s):
The effect of Recycled Concrete Aggregate and Aluminum Filings on the Properties of Hot Asphalt Mixture Journal title: JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Authors: Ali Ahmed Mohammed Subject(s):
Effects of Calcined Phosphogypsum on the Geotechnical Parameters of Fine-Grained Soils Journal title: Cumhuriyet Science journal Authors: Ahmet Şenol Subject(s):
Comparative Analysis of a Novel Material, GPRA as Partial Replacement in Coarse Aggregate with Individual Materials Journal title: International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science and Technology Authors: Obair Bilal Shah, Ashish Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Kumar Chandel Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Engineering, Civil, Computer Science, Cybernetics, Computer Science, Theory & Methods, Computer Science, Software Engineering