Analysis of Abiotic Stress Induced Metabolomic Changes in Vigna radiata Journal title: Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology Authors: Gupta Sarika and and De Indranil Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
Basic principles of gastrointestinal tract decontamination during acute poisoning Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Magdalena Łukasik-Głębocka, Maciej Naskręt, Jacek Górny, Krystyn Sosada, Jerzy Ładny, Marzena Wojewó... Subject(s):
Podstawowe zasady dekontaminacji przewodu pokarmowego w ostrych zatruciach Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Magdalena Łukasik-Głębocka, Maciej Naskręt, Jacek Górny, Krystyn Sosada, Jerzy Ładny, Marzena Wojewó... Subject(s):
Potential risk of exposure to selected xenobiotic residues and their fate in the food chain--part I: classification of xenobiotics. Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Anna Iovdijová, Vladimír Bencko Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Membrane extraction and solid-phase extraction as effective methods for extraction and concentration of organic compounds from samples with complex matrix composition Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: A. Poliwoda, K. Orłowska, P. Wieczorek Subject(s):
Acetylation genotype and phenotype in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Mariola Rychlik-Sych, Jadwiga Skretkowicz, Barbara Gawrońska-Szklarz, Wanda Górnik, Anna Sysa-Jędrze... Subject(s):
Pharmacokinetics of a synthetic interferon inducer amixin in mice. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Vladimir Zinkovsky, Olga Zhuk, Svetlana Sumriy Subject(s):
Microbial transformation of xenobiotics Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: Izabela Greń Subject(s):
Mikrobiologiczne przemiany ksenobiotyków Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: Izabela Greń Subject(s):
ALTERATION IN THE ACTIVITY OF OXIDATIVE ENZYMES IN THE TISSUES OF MALE WISTAR ALBINO RATS EXPOSED TO CADMIUM Journal title: International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health Authors: SAMUEL ASAGBA Subject(s):
Ekstrakcja membranowa oraz ekstrakcja do fazy stałej jako efektywne techniki wydzielania i zatężania związków organicznych z próbek o złożonym składzie matrycy Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: A. Poliwoda, K. Orłowska, P. Wieczorek Subject(s):
Pneumonia in Children: Pharmacogenetic Aspect in the Appearence of the Severe Forms and Complications of the Disease (Literature Review and Clinical Case Presentation) Journal title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin Authors: С. Л. Няньковський, Р. Н. Фуртак, М. С. Яцула, О. І. Шпичка Subject(s): Education, Science, Health science
Characteristics of Bone System Condition in Children from Clean and Polluted Regions by Indexes of Ultrasound Densitometry Journal title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin Authors: N. Kech Subject(s): Education, Science, Health science
Ecotoxicological Impact of Sub-lethal Concentrations of Glyphosate–based Herbicide on Juvenile Clarias gariepinus Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: C. O. Ujowundu, D. M. Koloseke, N. O. Uba, J. J. Achilike, H. D. Ogbuagu, E. A. Ubuoh Subject(s):