The method of correction of the training process in the powerlifting using the facilities of the speed-power education on the stage of the previous basic training Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Nizhnichenko D.| Полтавська державна аграрна академія Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
Sessions and programs of International Olympic Academy as an instrument of olympic education Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Tomenko О.| Сумской государственный педагогический университет им. А. С. Макаренко Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
The comparative analysis of extent of influence of various factors on readiness of 14–15 age years basketball players Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Niu Yunfei.| Харьковская государственная академия физической культуры Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
Physical capacity and functional resources of the respiratory system of young footballers with various biological development Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Petrenko S.| Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
Ways of improving physical education cadets at the stage of primary education in higher education institutions Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Kislenko D.| Национальная академия внутренних дел Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
Problems of acclimatization and adaptation of skier-tourists in the conditions of Far North Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Toporkov A.| Харьковский национальный экономический университет Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
Clinic anthropometry as method of pre-nozological diagnostics of constitutional deaseses Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Anna Tamozhanskaya| Севастопольский национальный политехнический университет Харьковская государстве... Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
Influence of facilities of physical rehabilitation on the state of the cardiovascular system of sportsmen at the initial degrees of the overtraining syndrome Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Olga Peshkova| Харківська державна академія фізичної культури Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
Methodical features of teaching to the selfmassage and оne other massage in the complex of facilities of increase of adaptation possibilities of organism of students Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Kanishcheva O.| Харьковская государственная академия физической культуры Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
The technical means of education in the process of perfection of technical skills athletes higher qualification Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Mirgorod D.| Национальный университет «Юридическая академия Украины имени Ярослава Мудрого» Кременчу... Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
ASSESSMENT OF TOPICAL CORTICOSTEROID USE IN DERMATOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF PEDIATRIC POPULATION Journal title: Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Asra Pourgharashi| Pharm D, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Acharya& B.M. Reddy College of Pharmacy... Subject(s): Biomedicine, Pharmacology
Determining the level of coordination abilities athletes сheerleaders at the stage of basic specialist training Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Larisa Lutsenko| Национальный университет «Юридическая академия Украины имени Ярослава Мудрого», Inn... Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
Special cadets’ physical training of the higher military educational institutions Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Vadym Krasota| Академія військово-морських сил ім. П. С. Нахімова Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
Neurohormonal and hemodynamics provision of exercise at girls with manifestation neurocirculatory dystonias Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Valery Levchenko| Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника, Petro Karabanovych... Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
Analysis of training loading dynamics in year macrocycles 2010–2011, 2011–2012, 2012–2013 of the members of Ukraine paralympic ski and biathlon team Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: V’yacheslav Mylik| Харьковская государственная академия физической культуры, Andrey Nesterenko| Харь... Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness