Introduction to early in vitro identification of metabolites of new chemical entities in drug discovery and development. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Paweł Baranczewski, Andrzej Stańczak, Antti Kautiainen, Per Sandin, Per-Olof Edlund Subject(s):
eHealth: Towards a Healthcare Service-Oriented Boundary-Less Infrastructure Journal title: Applied Medical Informatics Authors: Mircea RUSU, Gavril SAPLACAN, Gheorghe SEBESTYEN, Nicolae TODOR, Lorand KRUCZ, Cristian LELUTIU Subject(s): Medical Informatics
Database Optimizing Services Journal title: Database Systems Journal Authors: Adrian GHENCEA, Immo GIEGER Subject(s):
Knowledge-driven Intuitionistic Fuzzy Decision Support for finding out the causes of Obesity Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Asma R Shora , M Afshar Alam , Tamanna Siddiqui Subject(s):
Bis-Schiff Bases of Isatins: A New Class of Antioxidant Journal title: Journal of Pharmacy Research Authors: Khal id Mohammed Khan, a Momi n Kh a n , a Ni d a Amb r e e n , a F a z a l Ra h im, a Bak... Subject(s):
A REVIEW PAPER ON MULTIDIMENTIONAL DATA STRUCTURES Journal title: Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Kujani. T , Dhanalakshmi. T , Pradha. P Subject(s):
Features Management and Middleware of Hybrid Cloud Infrastructures Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Evgeny Nikulchev, Oleg Lukyanchikov, Evgeniy Pluzhnik, Dmitry Biryukov Subject(s):
AN OPTICAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL FOR MINING FREQUENT ITEMSETS IN LARGE DATABASES Journal title: Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Authors: DIVYA BHATNAGAR , A. S. SAXENA Subject(s):
OpenGIS System to Monitor the Impact of Spatial Planning Policies Journal title: Romanian Review of Regional Studies Authors: ANTONIO TACHE Subject(s): Geography
CLASSIFICATION PROBLEM IN DATA MINING - BY USING DECISION TREES Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies (IJCSMS) Authors: VIKAS CHAHAR , NIDHI KANDHIL , DR. ANIL KUMAR Subject(s):
THE SPECIFICITY OF ZOOTECHNICAL DATA FROM DISCIPLINE OF BREEDING AND UTILISATION OF HORSES Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu, Biologia i Hodowla Zwierząt Authors: Ewa Walkowicz, Paweł Skrobanek, Olgierd Unold, Henryk Maciejewski, Maciej Dobrowolski Subject(s):
SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERISATION AND ANTICANCER ACTIVITY OF SCHIFF BASE DERIVATIVES OF 5-(2-PHENOXYPYRIDIN-3-YL)-1, 3, 4-THIADIAZOL-2-AMINE Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Vinayak Adimule , Sudha Medapa , Prakash Rao , Lalita Kumar Subject(s):
Zasady Schiffa – interesujący zakres zastosowań w różnych dziedzinach nauki Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: K. Brodowska, E. Łodyga-Chruścińska Subject(s):
Efficient Keyword Search Across Relational Databases Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology Authors: Gayatri Priya Madhira , Dr. K.F. Bharati Subject(s):
Тканинні особливості перекисного окиснення ліпідів у щурів за умов тривалого впливу оксиетильованих нонілфенолів та їх похідних Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: D. Marakushin Subject(s):