THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY OF BENARES: A STUDY OF ITS FORMATION AND GROWTH (1600-1800) Journal title: International Journal of Research in Social Sciences Authors: Tabinda Anjum Subject(s): Economics, Education, Law, Linguistics, History , Anthropology, Geography
Perdebatan Ilmiah dan Non-ilmiah Tentang Mitos “Monyet Ke-Seratus” Journal title: Jurnal Jaffray Authors: WIM Poli Subject(s): Education, Religion, Theology
Motivasi Dalam Pelayanan Mempengaruhi Pengajaran dan Perilaku Journal title: Jurnal Jaffray Authors: Calvin Sholla Rupa' Subject(s): Education, Religion, Theology
Manfaat Kebenaran Perbuatan: Suatu Analisis Terhadap Ajaran Filsafat Pragmatisme Journal title: Jurnal Jaffray Authors: Peniel C.D. Maiaweng Subject(s): Education, Religion, Theology
Kajian Teologis Tentang Penyembahan Berdasarkan Injil Yohanes 4:24 Journal title: Jurnal Jaffray Authors: Hengki Wijaya Subject(s): Education, Religion, Theology
‘Kashi’: an abode of ‘ghor’ and ‘aghor’ Journal title: International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS) Authors: Dr.Satendra Kumar Mishra, Prof.(Dr.)Satyarth Prakash Tripathi Subject(s): Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Geochemistry, Geophysics
CSI i filtr eksplanacyjny: Dembski w ogniu krytyki Journal title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy Authors: Thomas Woodward Subject(s):
CSI and Explanatory Filter: Dembski’s Trial by Fire Journal title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy Authors: Thomas Woodward Subject(s):
Wpływ termicznego efektu Marangoniego na kinetykę rozpościerania substancji ropopochodnych na morzu Journal title: Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University Authors: Katarzyna Boniewicz-Szmyt, Stanisław Pogorzelski Subject(s):
Konwekcja naturalna w modelowym pomieszczeniu z zastosowaniem aproksymacji Bussinesq’a Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Weronika Radzikowska-Juś, Stefan Owczarek Subject(s):
Natural convection in a model chamber with the Boussinesq approximation utilization Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Weronika Radzikowska-Juś, Stefan Owczarek Subject(s):
Addition of Habenaria pantlingiana Kraenzl. in the Orchid Flora of Nagaland, India. Journal title: Annals of Plant Sciences Authors: Wenyitso Kapfo, Neizo Puro Subject(s):
Beginnings of submerged arc welding Journal title: Biuletyn Instytutu Spawalnictwa Authors: Eugeniusz Turyk, Wojciech Grobosz Subject(s):
Thermal Behavior of a Horizontal Hollow Tile Submitted To a Sinusoidal Excitation Journal title: American journal of Engineering Research Authors: Thami Ait-Taleb, Mourad Najjaoui, Abdelhalim Abdelbaki, Zaki Zrikem Subject(s):
Gender Discrimination in Vijay Tendulkar Silence The Court is in Session Journal title: Notions A Journal of English Literature Authors: Roohina Anees, Subject(s):