FIRM LEVEL JOB CREATION RATES OVER THE BUSINESS CYCLE Journal title: Asian Economic and Financial Review Authors: Werner Holzl| Austrian Institute for Economic Research (WIFO), Arsenal Objekt, Wien, Austria, Peter... Subject(s): Economics, Finance and Financial Services
THE EFFECT OF TRADE, SPECIALIZATION AND FINANCIAL INTEGRATION ON BUSINESS CYCLES SYNCHRONIZATION IN SOME MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES Journal title: Asian Economic and Financial Review Authors: Nabil Alimi| Department of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Universit... Subject(s): Economics, Finance and Financial Services
AN ANTI-AUSTERITY POLICY RECIPE AGAINST DEBT ACCUMULATION IN THE PRESENCE OF HIDDEN ECONOMY Journal title: Asian Economic and Financial Review Authors: Gerasimos T. Soldatos| American University of Athens, Athens, Greece Subject(s): Economics, Finance and Financial Services
NONLINEAR EFFECTS OF THE FINANCIAL CRISIS ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN ASIAN COUNTRIES: EMPIRICAL EVALUATION WITH A PSTR MODEL Journal title: Asian Economic and Financial Review Authors: Amira MAJOUL| Applied Quantitative Analysis Unit (UAQUAP)- GATE (UMR 5824 CNRS). Higher Institute of... Subject(s): Economics, Finance and Financial Services
BUSINESS CYCLES WITH PERIODIC SHOCKS IN A MULTI-COUNTRY AND MULTI-REGIONAL NEOCLASSICAL GROWTH MODEL Journal title: Asian Economic and Financial Review Authors: Wei-Bin Zhang| Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan Subject(s): Economics, Finance and Financial Services
Schumpeter, J.A., 1934 (2008), The Theory of Economic Development: An Inquiry into Profits, Capital, Credit, Interest and the Business Cycle, translated from the German by Redvers Opie, New Brunswick (U.S.A) and London (U.K.): Transaction Publishers Journal title: Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology Authors: Alin Croitoru Subject(s): Social Sciences, Anthropology, Sociology
Impact of the procurement policy on financial efficiency of operating systems in the Republic of Srpska Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Младен Р. Гајић Subject(s): Economics
Nobel Laureates in Economic Sciences about economic cycles and crisess Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie Authors: Jan Siekierski Subject(s):
GLOBALIZATION VERSUS SEGREGATION - BUSINESS CYCLES SYNCHRONIZATION IN EUROPE Journal title: CES Working Papers Authors: Sebastian Florian Enea , Silvia Palaşcă Subject(s):
Routes and Trends of Romanian Core Economic Variables Journal title: Revista Romana de Statistica Authors: Oana Simona HUDEA (CARAMAN) Subject(s): Mathematics, Statistics , Science
Leading and Lagging Indicators Of the Economic Crisis Journal title: Revista Romana de Statistica Authors: Subject(s): Mathematics, Statistics , Science
The effects of economic crisis of years 2007-2009 on real economy of Poland in comparison to the European Union Journal title: Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy Authors: Robert Pater, Tomasz Skica Subject(s):
BUSINESS CYCLE SYNCHRONIZATION IN THE EURO AREA Journal title: CES Working Papers Authors: Ioana Văleanu Subject(s):
INVESTIGATING MACROECONOMIC STABILITY USING THE OUTPUT GAP Journal title: Revista Romana de Statistica Authors: Emilia ŢIŢAN, Vladimir GEORGESCU Subject(s): Mathematics, Statistics , Science
Skutki kryzysu gospodarczego lat 2007-2009 dla sfery realnej polskiej gospodarki na tle Unii Europejskiej Journal title: Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy Authors: Robert Pater, Tomasz Skica Subject(s):