INTRODUCTION OF NEW ANTIMICROBIALS: CATIONIC PEPTIDES Journal title: Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics Authors: Vishwa Deepak Kumar*| B. Pharmacy, 2nd year, Department of Pharmacy, IEC group of institutions, Grea... Subject(s): Biomedicine, Anatomy, Pharmacology, Physiology
A spectroscopic study of interaction of cationic dyes with heparin Journal title: Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry Authors: R Nandini, B Vishalakshi Subject(s):
Cost effective purification of intein based syntetic cationic antimicrobial peptide expressed in cold shock expression system using salt inducible E. coli GJ1158 Journal title: Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Authors: K Seetha Ram, M Mary Kumari, S. Divya Sri, N Bhargava Ramudu, JB Peravali, KK Pulicherla Subject(s):
Soğuk şok ekspresyon sistemi kaynaklı intein tabanlı katyonik antimikrobiyal peptitin tuz tarafından uyarılan E. coli GJ1158’den maliyet etkin şekilde saflaştırılması Journal title: Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Authors: K Seetha Ram, M Mary Kumari, S. Divya Sri, N Bhargava Ramudu, JB Peravali, KK Pulicherla Subject(s):
DESIGN AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CLARITHROMYCIN BEADS USING A BIODEGRADABLE CATIONIC POLYMER Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: P Jeyaprabha, T Sudhamani Subject(s):
Flokulacyjna efektywność kationowej skrobi ziemniaczanej w obecności koagulantów Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: Dorota Ziółkowska, Alexander Shyichuk, Piotr Cysewski, Agnieszka Organiściak Subject(s):
Modification of Granular Activated Carbon with Post-Treatment to Enhance Nitrate Removal from Drinking Water Journal title: آب و فاضلاب Authors: Mahmoud Mazarji, Mohamad Sabouhi, Behnoush Aminzadeh3, Majid Baghdadi, Alireza Pardakhti Subject(s):
اصلاح سطح کربن فعال گرانوله با روش تصفيه نهايي با هدف نيتراتزدايي از آب آشاميدني Journal title: آب و فاضلاب Authors: Mahmoud Mazarji, Mohammad Sabouhi, Behnoosh Aminzadeh, Majid Baghdadi Subject(s):
Gender Features of Bronchial Asthma in School Age Journal title: Здоров`я дитини Authors: O.K. Koloskova, T.M. Bilous, H.A. Bilyk Subject(s):
SUPER-STABLE EMULSIFIER FOR CATION BITUMEN EMULSIONS Journal title: Вестник Харьковского национального автомобильно-дорожного университета Authors: O. Vollis, I. Sidun Subject(s):
Effect of Modified Micro-Sand, Poly-Aluminium Chloride and Cationic Polymer on Coagulation-Flocculation Process of Landfill Leachate Journal title: Environment & Ecosystem Science (EES) Authors: Nur Hanani Thaldiri, Marlia Mohd. Hanafiah, Azhar Abdul Halim Subject(s):
Evaluating the Efficacy of Gene Silencing in Dopaminergic Neuronal Cells In-Vitro using Gold Nanorods (GNR) with Different Surface Properties Complexed to DARPP-32 siRNA. Journal title: Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Authors: Lisa A Vathy, Ravikumar Aalinkeel, Jessica L. Reynolds, Bindukumar Nair, Supriya D. Mahajan, Atcha K... Subject(s):
THE ROLE OF SURFACE ACTIVE SILICONE DERIVATIVES AS ADDITIVES MODIFYING THE LUBRICITY OF WATER Journal title: Tribologia Authors: Marian W. Sułek, Małgorzata Zięba, Tomasz Wasilewski, Witold Sas Subject(s):
BIOCHEMICAL ASSAY ON INTERACTION BETWEEN HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHT (HMWC), AND LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT (LMWC) POLYMERS WITH PLASMID DNA. Journal title: Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Medicine, Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical science - Pharmaceutical science
Changes in the immunobiological reactivity of the organism of cows in the pathogenesis of mastitis Journal title: Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького Authors: M.M. Zhelavskyi Subject(s):