The Entrants’ View on Collision Avoidance Journal title: Scientific Journal of Gdynia Maritime University Authors: Olga Wantuła, Szymon Wantuła, Krzysztof Wróbel Subject(s):
The Analysis of the Collisions of Rail Vehicles with Animals with Regard to the Railway Traffic Safety Journal title: Logistics and Transport Authors: Marek Stolarski, Joanna Żyłkowska Subject(s):
Urządzenia ochrony zwierząt odpowiedzią na ogólnoświatowy problem kolizji pociągów ze zwierzętami Journal title: Technika Transportu Szynowego Authors: Marek Stolarski, Dorota Bartoszek-Majewska, Joanna Żyłkowska Subject(s):
Czy ASF jeździ koleją? I o tym, jak temu zapobiec Journal title: Technika Transportu Szynowego Authors: P. Kowal, M. Stolarski, Joanna Żyłkowska Subject(s):
Analysis and algebraicsymbolic determination of conditions forsafe motion of a vessel in a nonstationary environment Journal title: Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий Authors: Illya Tykhonov, Georgy Baranov, Volodymyr Doronin, Andrii Nosovskyi Subject(s):
Forward-Backward Multiplicity Correlations in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions Journal title: Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications Authors: Shaista Khan , Shakeel Ahmad Subject(s): Materials Science, Nuclear Physics, Radiation
THE CONFLICTS OF LAW THAT ARISE IN DISMISSAL UNDER ART. 40, P. 6 OF THE LABOUR CODE OF UKRAINE Journal title: Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія: Право Authors: О.О. Дума Subject(s):
Risk Analysis in Internal Transport: An Evaluation of Occupational Health and Safety Using the Fine-Kinney Method Journal title: Journal of Operational and Strategic Analytics Authors: Vukašin Pajić, Milan Andrejić Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Management and Strategy, Production, Operation and Manufacturing Management, Industrial Management, Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics, Operations Research & Management Science
Optimizing Vehicle Collision Safety: A Two-Mass Model with Dual Springs and Dampers for Accurate Crash Dynamics Prediction Journal title: Mechatronics and Intelligent Transportation Systems Authors: Badr Ait Syad, El Mehdi Salmani Subject(s): Transportation, Transportation Science & Technology, Technology - Transport