Data mining Application to Design a System forPerformance Improvisation of Students in TheirAcademic Studies Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology (IJCSET) Authors: Kalyani. M. Moroney , Dr. Sanjay U. Makh Subject(s):
Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology (IJCSET) Authors: Reshma Sultana , G. Vani , Managina Deepthi , PV Bhaskhar , Pedada Satish , Koppala KVP Sekhar Subject(s):
Zone Based Feature Extraction and Statistical Classification Technique for Kannada Handwritten Numeral Recognition Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology Authors: Ashoka H.N. , Manjaiah D.H. , Rabindranath Bera Subject(s):
Hand Written Digit Recognition Using Backpropagation Neural Network on Master-Slave Architecture Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology Authors: J.V.S.SRINIVAS , N. SHIRISHA Subject(s):
Visegrad Four Countries – Case Study of Econometric Panel Data Model for Regional Competitiveness Evaluation Journal title: Journal of Competitiveness Authors: Jan Nevima Subject(s):
LOGIC BASED PATTERN DETECTION BASED ON MULTI-LEVEL PROPOSITIONAL PROCESS Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology Authors: PRASADH.K , SUTHEER.T Subject(s):
Specyfika danych zootechnicznych z zakresu hodowli i użytkowania koni Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu, Biologia i Hodowla Zwierząt Authors: Ewa Walkowicz, Paweł Skrobanek, Olgierd Unold, Henryk Maciejewski, Maciej Dobrowolski Subject(s):
Perspectives on the Role of Business Rules in Database Design Journal title: Database Systems Journal Authors: Anca Ioana Andreescu, Marinela Mircea Subject(s):
An Analysis of Security Challenges in Cloud Computing Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Ms.Disha H. Parekh , Dr. R. Sridaran Subject(s):
A PSO Optimized Layered Approach for Parametric Clustering on Weather Dataset Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: Shikha Verm Subject(s):
Method for Image Portion Retrieval and Display for Comparatively Large Scale of Imagery Data onto Relatively Small Size of Screen Which is Suitable to Block Coding of Image Data Compression Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Kohei Arai Subject(s):
İzlerkitlenin Medyadaki Aşırı Enformasyon Sorununa Bakışı Journal title: AJIT-e: Bilişim Teknolojileri Online Dergisi Authors: Orhan BAYTAR Subject(s):
Data Flow Sequences: A Revision of Data Flow Diagrams for Modelling Applications using XML Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: James Coleman Subject(s):
An Algorithm to Simulate the Temporal Database Using Exponential Distribution Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Shweta Sharma Subject(s):
Reversible Data Hiding VIA Optimal Code for Image Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: Senthil Rani D Subject(s):