Awareness and Usage of Innovative Video-Assisted Application among Adult Literacy Learners in Ondo State, Nigeria Journal title: Sanskriti: Journal of Humanities Authors: ‘Sina Opeoluwa Ayelaagbe Subject(s): Humanities
A Critical Examination of Lucrece’s Chastity: Analyzing the Interplay of Love and Moral Justification in The Rape of Lucrece Journal title: Sanskriti: Journal of Humanities Authors: Dr. Liton Baron Sikder Subject(s): Humanities
MƏİŞƏT ZORAKILIĞI QURBANLARINA YARDIM ZAMANI KONFİDENSİALLIĞIN TƏMİN EDİLMƏSİ: BEYNƏLXALQ NORMALAR ƏSASINDA ARAŞDIRMA Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Nuriyyə Bağıyeva Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science
DIGITAL BANKING AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE: UNVEILING THE INTERPLAY WITH MACROECONOMIC AND BANK-SPECIFIC FACTORS Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Elkhan Salmanov Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science
AZERBAIJAN’S MILITARY RECONSTRUCTION: TRIUMPHS, RESILIENCE AND STRATEGIC VISION Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Tural Dadashov Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science
VAHİD MƏHKƏMƏ TƏCRÜBƏSİ PRİNSİPİNİN MİLLİ HÜQUQ SİSTEMİNDƏ YERİ Journal title: Ancient Land Authors: Gülçöhrə Hüseynzadə Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
CHANGES IN MIDDLE AND EARLY MODERN ENGLISH SIMPLE SENTENCE PATTERNS (SP, SPO, AND SPC SENTENCE MODELS) Journal title: Ancient Land Authors: Gullar İsgandarli Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
SECTORAL ANALYSIS OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT Journal title: Ancient Land Authors: Parviz Mammadov Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
İNSAN ŞƏXSİYYƏTİNİN FORMALAŞMASINDA MÜƏLLİM FƏALİYYƏTİNİN PEDAQOJİ XÜSUSİYYƏTLƏRİ Journal title: Ancient Land Authors: Aidə Novruzova Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
1989 FERGANA MASSACRE IN TURKISH NEWSPAPERS Journal title: Ancient Land Authors: Fatma Betul Aydemir Bash Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
KOQNİTİV MODELLƏŞMƏ Journal title: Ancient Land Authors: Türkan İsmayıllı Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
KONFİDENSİALLIQ REPRODUKTİV TEXNOLOGİYALARIN TƏTBİQİ ZAMANI YARANAN ETİK VƏ HÜQUQİ PROBLEM KİMİ Journal title: Scientific Research Authors: Nərmin Məmmədvəlili Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Multidisciplinary
REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL NORMS AND STANDARDS IN THE FIELD OF MASS MEDIA Journal title: Scientific Research Authors: Mintana Gaydarova Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Multidisciplinary
A PART OF THE SOLUTION: ORGANIC FARMING METHODS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Journal title: Scientific Research Authors: Guljan Mansumlu Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Multidisciplinary
CULTURE IDENTITY AND SOCIETY OF AZERBAIJAN, NEW INSTITUTIONAL LINKAGES OF ZAGATALA AND AZERBAIJAN Journal title: Scientific Research Authors: Raisa Lachinova Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Multidisciplinary