Systemowa teoria zdrowia Fritjofa Capry Journal title: Ido-Ruch dla Kultury Authors: Wojciech Cynarski Subject(s):
SOLVING THE SADDLE-POINT PROBLEM FOR THE QUASISTATIC CONTACT PROBLEMS Journal title: Journal of Science And Arts Authors: Nicolae Pop Subject(s): Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Nuclear Physics, Science
Znaczenie spektrofotometrii UV-Vis w badaniach biodostępności farmaceutycznej w warunkach in vitro Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: Joanna Gościańska, Anna Olejnik, Ewa Sobieszczuk, Karolina Latanowicz, Izabela Nowak Subject(s):
Hair conditioning foams formulations Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: Marta Olszańska, Rafał Sadowski, Jan Ogonowski Subject(s):
EVALUATION OF NOOTROPIC ACTIVITY OF POLYHERBAL FORMULATION SR-105 IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Shivakumar Ladde , Shivaraj Gouda , Venkat Rao, Shalam , Richa Verma Subject(s):
RAPID RP HPLC METHOD FOR QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF LORNOXICAM IN TABLETS Journal title: Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy Authors: Mahesh Attimarad Subject(s):
[b]ENHANCEMENT OF ENTRAPMENT EFFICIENCY OF POROUS CHITOSAN SCAFFOLD FORMULATION BY THE ADDITION OF PEG 4000[/b] Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) Authors: Tarun Garg, Arsh Chanana, Govind Sharma Subject(s):
PREFORMULATION STUDIES OF CONTROLLED/SUSTAINED RELEASE FORMULATIONS: AN OVERVIEW Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Tushar Lathiya , Akhilesh D., Prabhakara P., J.V Kamath Subject(s):
DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF LC-MS/MS METHOD FOR THE ESTIMATION OF ROSIGLITAZONE ENANTIOMERS IN PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATION Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: B. Gowramma, S. N. Meyyanathan, N. Krishnaveni, K. Elango Subject(s):
PREFORMULATION STUDIES OF SIMVASTATIN FOR TRANSDERMAL DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Sameer Singh , Narendra Mandoria, Anis shaikh Subject(s):
The strong formulation finite element method:stability and accuracy Journal title: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale Authors: Francesco Tornabene, Nicholas Fantuzzi, Michele Bacciocchi Subject(s):
The Formulation of Community Policing Strategy to Settle Criminal Cases (Within Community Policing Perspective) Journal title: Academic Research International Authors: Dody Wijayanto, Koesno Adi, Masruchin Ruba’I, Prija Djatmika Subject(s):
Formulation of Legal Politic on Environment Permit Management in Protection Forest Area That Accommodates Conservation and Sustainable Principle Journal title: Academic Research International Authors: Heriamariaty , I Nyoman Nurjaya, Rachmad Syafa’at, Moh. Fadli Subject(s):
Parmacokinetic evaluation of ibuprofen controlled release matrix tablets using hydrophilic Eudragit® polymer and co-excipients Journal title: Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Sattar Bakhsh , Gul Majid Khan , Farid Menaa , Barkat Ali Khan Subject(s):
DEVELOPMENT & EVALUATION OF HERBAL SYRUP FROM COUROUPITA GUIANENSIS USED AS EXPECTORANT Journal title: Asian J of Pharm Sci & Tech Authors: G.Sandhyarani* and K.Praveen kumar Subject(s):