ЭВОЛЮЦИЯ КОМПОЗИЦИОННЫХ ПРИЕМОВ И ПЛАСТИЧЕСКИХ СРЕДСТВ В АРХИТЕКТУРЕ НОВОГО ГОРОДА (НА ПРИМЕРЕ Г. АНГАРСКА) Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Марков В.И. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
The Main Results and Prospects of Construction in Baku Journal title: Проблеми економіки Authors: Israfil Mammadov Subject(s):
Urban planning documentation of regional level, developed by “Dipromisto” for areas of Poltava region, and prospects for mining industry development Journal title: Економічна та соціальна географія Authors: Ganna Aylikova, Oksana Syvak Subject(s):
GEOGRAPHICAL PECULIARITIES OF KYIV city DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AT THE PRESENT STAGE Journal title: Український географічний журнал Authors: Yu.M. Palekha Subject(s):
THE HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES OF FORMING AND TRANSFORMATION OF THE KYIV INDUSTRIAL ZONES Journal title: Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Географічні науки» Authors: М.Д. Бикова Subject(s):
Abakan functional zoning Journal title: Бюллетень науки и практики Authors: N. Mitusova, A. Golubnichiy Subject(s): Technology
CURRENT PROBLEMS OF FUNCTIONAL PLANNING ORGANIZATION OF THE ODESSA COAST TERRITORIES Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Częstochowskiej. Budownictwo. Authors: Natalia Skripnik Subject(s):
The Public-Private Partnerships in Planning and Land Development: A Success Story? Case of Dar Es Salaam City and Kibaha Town, Tanzania Journal title: International Journal of Environment, Ecology, Family and Urban Studies (IJEEFUS) Authors: Wilfred G. Kazaura, Marco Burra, Laurent Mswani Subject(s):