Interactive Infographics on the Internet

Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design

Authors: Banu İnanç Uyan Dur| TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and A...

Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation

Design for Collective Consciousness in Urban Place

Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design

Authors: Şafak Erkayhan| Yeditepe University, Department of Visual Communication Design, İstanbul, TURKEY saf...

Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation

Audio Steganography in a Nutshell

Journal title: International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology

Authors: Swati Malviya| M Tech (Digital Communication) Student Bansal Institute of Science& Technology Bhopal...

Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering

Optimal Cryptographic Technique to increase the Data Security

Journal title: International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology

Authors: K Laxmi Narayan| Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Kodaikanal Institute of Technology Machur,...

Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering

User Driven Feedback Control System driven using CAN Protocol

Journal title: International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology

Authors: Ankita Goyal| ECE Department Ujjain Engineering College Ujjain (M.P.), India, Prof. Neha Sharma| ECE...

Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering

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