CONFLICT MANAGEMENT WE „WSPÓLNYM SĄSIEDZTWIE” UNII EUROPEJSKIEJ I ROSJI. MIĘDZY SOFT I HARD POWER Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej Authors: Agnieszka Legucka Subject(s):
Primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma located on the face and hard palate Journal title: OncoReview Authors: Piotr Brzeziński, Anca Chiriac, Radu Budurca, Anca Chiriac, Tudor Pinteala, Luminita Ivan, Liliana... Subject(s): Medicine, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Oncology, Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems
AKLIMATYZACJA MIKROSADZONEK TRUSKAWKI Z ZASTOSOWANIEM DOŚWIETLANIA LAMPAMI LED Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Jadwiga Treder, Iwona Sowik, Anna Borkowska, Krzysztof Klamkowski, Waldemar Treder Subject(s):
EFFECT OF LEDS LAMPSON STRAWBERRY GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT DURING EX VITRO ACCLIMATIZATION Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Jadwiga Treder, Iwona Sowik, Anna Borkowska, Krzysztof Klamkowski, Waldemar Treder Subject(s):
METHOD OF DETERMINING THE STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS OF WOOD-POLYMER COMPOSITE Journal title: Journal of KONES Authors: Lesław Kyzioł, Lech Murawski Subject(s):
Microhardness and tribological wear of the steels remelted with an electric arc Journal title: Archiwum Odlewnictwa Authors: S. Adamiak Subject(s):
The influence of the arc plasma treatment on the structure and microhardness 100Cr6 bearing steel Journal title: Archiwum Odlewnictwa Authors: W. Bochnowski Subject(s):
Silumins alloy crystallization Journal title: Archiwum Odlewnictwa Authors: S. Pietrowski, T. Szymczak Subject(s):
Ultrasonic testing of the hardening kinetics of epoxy resins used for foundry patterns Journal title: Archiwum Odlewnictwa Authors: J. Zych Subject(s):
Nitrogen hardening of creep-resistant G-NiCr28W alloy Journal title: Archiwum Odlewnictwa Authors: Z. Pirowski, J. Wodnicki, A. Gwiżdż Subject(s):
The comparison of the structure and microhardness of the tool steel C90 and HS 6-5-2 remelted with the electric arc Journal title: Archiwum Odlewnictwa Authors: A. Dziedzic, S. Adamiak Subject(s):
Selected characteristic of silumins with additives of Ni, Cu, Cr, Mo, W and V Journal title: Archiwum Odlewnictwa Authors: S. Pietrowski, T. Szymczak, B. Siemińska-Jankowska, A. Jankowski Subject(s):
The influence of amperage of electric arc on microhardness in the area single and overlapping remeltings of HS 6-5-2 steel Journal title: Archiwum Odlewnictwa Authors: A. Dziedzic Subject(s):
Influence of water-glass grade and quantity on residual strength of microwave-hardened moulding sands. Part 2 Journal title: Archiwum Odlewnictwa Authors: M. Stachowicz, K. Granat, D. Nowak Subject(s):
New Look at the Process of Reclamation of Moulding Sands Journal title: Archiwum Odlewnictwa Authors: S.M. Dobosz, K. Major-Gabryś, M. Hosadyna Subject(s):