Optimization of ETL Process in Data Warehouse Through a Combination of Parallelization and Shared Cache Memory Journal title: Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Authors: M. Faridi Masouleh, M. A. Afshar Kazemi, M. Alborzi, A. Toloie Eshlaghy Subject(s): Engineering, Technological Change, Information Science, Industrial Management, Civil Engineering
Analysis of tunneling on the Polish capital market Journal title: Współczesna Gospodarka Authors: Mariusz Bochiński Subject(s):
Effects of market share on the bank’s profitability Journal title: Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research Authors: Evgeni Genchev Subject(s):
Systematization of the Methods for Evaluating the International Competitiveness of Enterprise Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Tatyana Shtal, Ganna Zmieieva Subject(s):
Skala obciążeń polskiego społeczeństwa wydatkami na ochronę zdrowia Journal title: Polish Journal of Public Health Authors: Zofia Skrzypczak Subject(s):
The Impact of the Economic Crisis in the IT & C Industry - Evidence from Bucharest Journal title: Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis Authors: Claudia POPESCU, Alexandru GAVRIŞ Subject(s):
The APT Model and its Applicability in Romania’s Case Journal title: Revista Romana de Statistica Authors: Florin Dan PIELEANU Subject(s): Mathematics, Statistics , Science
The Effect of Ownership Structure and Corporate Governance on Capital Structure of Ghanaian Listed Manufacturing Companies Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences Authors: Albert Agyei, Appiah Richard Owusu Subject(s):
The Examination of Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance According to the Modulating Role of Competitive Advantage Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences Authors: Azam Pourmozafari, Forough Heyrani, Mahmoud Moeinadin Subject(s):
ЯКІСТЬ ТА КОНТРОЛЬ КОРПОРАТИВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ ЯК ОСНОВИ ЕФЕКТИВНОСТІ ФУНКЦІОНУВАННЯ АКЦІОНЕРНОГО ПІДПРИЄМСТВА Journal title: Проблеми і перспективи розвитку підприємництва Authors: Mykola Prokopenko Subject(s):
CG and CSR – connections and interrelationships Journal title: Zarządzanie i Finanse Authors: Monika Wilewska Subject(s):
Undergraduate education and the theoretical-practical contents of occupational health Journal title: Revista Eletronica de Enfermagem Authors: Caroline Marques, Déborah Santos, Fernanda Gonçalves, Marcela Fernandes, Norma Valéria Souza Subject(s):
Reducing Shared Cache Misses via dynamic Grouping and Scheduling on Multicores Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Wael Amr El Din, Hany ElSayed, Ihab Talkhan Subject(s):
QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF REGIONAL CLUSTERS IN ROMANIA Journal title: Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods Authors: Adriana Elena REVEIU, Marian DARDALA Subject(s):
Improvement of Co-Operative Policy in Consumer's Co-Operation of Ukraine Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Aleksandr Manzhura Subject(s):