Research on the structure of metal parts manufactured by the innovative procedure of combined processing operations Journal title: Proceedings in Manufacturing Systems Authors: Anisoara Corabieru, Stefan Velicu, Petrica Corabieru, Dan Dragos Vasilescu, Ionel Paunescu Subject(s):
Study on homogeneity and repeatability of single-piece flow carburizing system Journal title: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Authors: A. Madej, E. Wołowiec-Korecka Subject(s): Engineering
AUSTEMPERING HEAT TREATMENT STUDY OF CAST DUCTILE IRON: ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL AND MICROSTRUCTURAL PROPERTIES, ACCORDING TO THE A897M STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR AUSTEMPERED DUCTILE IRON CASTINGS Journal title: Periódico Tchê Química Authors: Alessandra Regina Machado SCHIFINO Subject(s): Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, Pharmacy, Biology, Agricultural sciences
The influence of chemical composition of nanofluids on dimensional changes of hardened constructional steel Journal title: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Authors: W. Gęstwa Subject(s): Engineering
Microstructure and wear resistance of gas-nitrided steel after laser modification Journal title: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Authors: D. Panfil, M. Kulka, P. Wach, J. Michalski Subject(s): Engineering
Methods of data mining for modelling of low-pressure heat treatment Journal title: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Authors: E. Wołowiec-Korecka Subject(s): Engineering
Effect of Chromium on Tensile and Fatigue Behaviour of Copper Nickel Spinodal Alloy Journal title: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) Authors: Sagar C. Jirapure, Atul B. Borade Subject(s):
Effect of post-weld heat treatment on thermal diffusivity in UNS S32304 duplex stainless steel welds Journal title: Archives of Materials Science and Engineering Authors: E.G. Betini, C.S. Mucsi, T.S. Luz, M.T.D. Orlando, M-N. Avettand-Fènoël, J.L. Rossi Subject(s):
Modelling of the effects of laser modification of gas-nitrided layer Journal title: Archives of Materials Science and Engineering Authors: M. Kulka, D. Panfil, J. Michalski, P. Wach Subject(s):
The Phenomenon of Improving of Turbostrate Structure of Carbon Fibers during Dynamic Contact of Surfaces of Solid States Journal title: Фізика і хімія твердого тіла Authors: H. O. Sirenko, L. M. Soltys Subject(s):
Heat Treatment Effect on the Structure and Properties of Electron Beam Welded Joints Made of High-Alloy Titanium Journal title: Biuletyn Instytutu Spawalnictwa Authors: G. Hryhorenko, Siergiej W. Achonin, Walierij Ju. Belous Belous, Roman W. Selin Subject(s):
Research of metal of the dies for punching and cutting deposited by tungstenfree high speed steel type (fcadw-ss 100h4m5f2 (zr) Journal title: Вісник Тернопільського національного технічного університету Authors: Valeriy Chyhariov, Nataliya Oleksiivna Makarenko, Denys Golub, Oleksandr Bohutskyy Subject(s):
Influence of antimony modification and heat treatment on the AlSi9CuMnNi alloy Journal title: Production Engineering Archives Authors: Nataša Náprstková, Jaromír Caiss, Jan Sviantek Subject(s): Engineering, Educational Technology, Mechanical Engineering
Quality control of cylinder head casting Journal title: Production Engineering Archives Authors: Eva Tillová, Martina Chalupová, Lenka Kuchariková Subject(s): Engineering, Educational Technology, Mechanical Engineering