Fungal contamination and Fusarium mycotoxins in cereals grown in different tillage systems Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: V. Baliukonienė, B. Bakutis, G. Januškevičienė Subject(s):
Testing of a large-span soil-shell structure without stiffeners during backfilling process Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Leszek Korusiewicz Subject(s):
Are they still among us? Discussion with the book Rosyjski sztylet. Działalność wywiadu nielegalnego (The Russian Dagger. Activities of illegal intelligence) by Andrzej Kowalski Journal title: Securitologia Authors: Dominik Smyrgała Subject(s):
Św. Tomasz z Akwinu a ewolucjonizm. Polemika z tezami Piotra Lichacza OP i Williama E. Carrolla Journal title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy Authors: Michał Chaberek OP Subject(s):
"Tańczący z Popperem". Dembski o sprawdzalności Journal title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy Authors: Wesley R. Elsberry Subject(s):
Odpowiedź na biochemiczny argument z projektu Journal title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy Authors: Kenneth R. Miller Subject(s):
The method of determination of the safety zone between the rototiller cover and rotor Journal title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences- SGGW - Agriculture Authors: Michał Sypuła, Jacek Klonowski, Tomasz Nowakowski, Aleksander Lisowski, Jarosław Chlebowski, Adam St... Subject(s):
Motor skills among high school adolescents. Effect of the exercise program Journal title: Progress in Health Sciences Authors: I. Malinowska-Lipień, E. Kawalec-Kajstura, M. Brzostek, T. Brzostek Subject(s):
Health, illness and dying in Polish folk medicine Journal title: Progress in Health Sciences Authors: W. Piątkowski, A. Majchrowska Subject(s):
A comparative assessment of minors’ competence to consent to treatment in Polish and English law Journal title: Progress in Health Sciences Authors: K Bagan-Kurluta, U Drozdowska Subject(s):
Ocena poziomu bólu u chorych po urazie szczękowo-twarzowym – doniesienie wstępne Journal title: BÓL Authors: Dorota Ozga, Bogumił Lewandowski, Jerzy Wordliczek, Danuta Dyk, Aleksandra Gutysz–Wojnicka, Ren... Subject(s):
The rising incidence of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma and is completion surgery necessary or not? Journal title: Otolaryngologia Polska Authors: Oğuz Kuşcu, Övsen Önay, Bahar Kayahan, Nilda Süslü, Taner Yılmaz Subject(s):
DETERMINATION OF SAFETY LINES OF ARTILLERY FIRE Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Norbert ŚWIĘTOCHOWSKI, Jacek PIONTEK Subject(s):
Combination therapy of tadalafil and pentoxifylline in severe erectile dysfunction; a prospective randomized trial Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Santosh Kumar, Rajesh Roat, Swat Agrawal, Kumar Jayant, Ravimohan Mavuduru, Shrawan Kumar Subject(s):
Orbital floor reconstruction planning in the course of silent sinus syndrome using online fab lab – case report Journal title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) Authors: Paweł Berczyński, Tomasz Smektała, Dorota Oskwarek, Krzysztof Dowgierd, Grzegorz Trybek, Katarzyna... Subject(s):