Análisis y comparación de la seguridad utilizando dos protocolos de enrutamiento para IPv6 Journal title: MASKANA Authors: Jose Roberto Patiño Sánchez Subject(s): Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science
Aspectul metodologic şi ,,chipul” întâmplării în gândirea românească a fiinţei. Explorare hermeneutică Journal title: Studii de istorie a filosofiei romanesti Authors: Ioan Drăgoi Subject(s):
Methodical aspect and the ‘portrait’ of happening in the Romanian thinking of Being. Hermeneutical exploration Journal title: Studii de istorie a filosofiei romanesti Authors: Ioan Drăgoi Subject(s):
Integrality in Multidimensionality- a Reflection on Contemporary Education Journal title: Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala Authors: Nadia Laura SERDENCIUC Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Counselling, Sociology of Education, Sociology, Pedagogy
Improvement of the integral evaluation process for students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences Guantanamo Journal title: Revista Información Científica Authors: Alfredo de Jesús Hernández Pérez, Ricardo Trujillo Domínguez, Cesario Monteserin Puig, Enrique Ruiz... Subject(s):
Integralność – ważny aspekt kształcenia uniwersyteckiego w XXI wieku Journal title: Pedagogika Społeczna Authors: Marzanna Bogumiła Kielar, Aneta Gop Subject(s):
EDUCAÇÃO PARA SAÚDE DO CATADOR DE MATERIAL RECICLÁVEL: PRODUÇÃO EM PROGRAMAS DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO DO CONTEXTO NACIONAL Journal title: Revista Competência Authors: Izar Muller Behs Subject(s): Education, Communication, Recreation and Leisure, Fashion, Management