Innovative directions of development of irrigated land amelioration under the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine Journal title: «Таврійський науковий вісник» Authors: Р.А. Вожегова, І.М. Біляєва, С.В. Коковіхін Subject(s):
Total sugar and dry matter content in sweet corn kernels at the beginning of milk-wax ripeness depending on agrotechnology Journal title: «Таврійський науковий вісник» Authors: В.О. Ушкаренко, П.В. Лиховид Subject(s):
Monitoring of mineralization and chemical composition of the Dnieper River water within the Nova Kachovka Journal title: Екологічні науки Authors: П.С. Лозовіцький Subject(s):
Current ecological condition of the land of Zaporozhe region as a result of agricultural use Journal title: «Таврійський науковий вісник» Authors: Ю.В. Чебанова Subject(s):
Evaluation of Irrigation Technology Adoption in Edo State Nigeria Journal title: Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita. Fascicula de Inginerie Authors: P. A. Imanogor, O.M. Unuigbe Subject(s):
Estimation of Reference Melon Crop-Evapo-transpiration using Eto[Pan-Fao/Penman] and Cropwat Models Journal title: Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita. Fascicula de Inginerie Authors: Olotu Yahaya, Evboifo Nathaniel, M.C. Okafor, C.I. Ayilaran Subject(s):
AGRICULTURAL INPUT SUBSIDIES IN INDIA Journal title: PARIPEX-Indian Journal of Research Authors: Dr Baasavaraj S Benni, Shilpa Sree R Subject(s):
THE THIAROYE AQUIFER IN SENEGAL: USABLE GROUNDWATER RESOURCES FOR DRINKING OR IRRIGATION. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Saidou Ndao, Papa Babacar Diop Thioune, Alassane Ba, El Hadji Bamba Diaw. Subject(s):
Scientific Rationale for the Introduction of Small Intensive Irrigation Systems in the Conditions of Mining Farming in Azerbaijan Journal title: International Invention of Scientific Journal Authors: prof. RANS Aliyev Z.H. Subject(s): Chemistry, Mathematics Education, Medical Education , Agriculture, Multidisciplinary, Social Sciences, Biomedical
Determination of Crop Water Requirement of Major Irrigated Crops of Kalu Woreda, Amhara Ethiopia Journal title: International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences Authors: Mesfin Mitiku Feleke, et al. Subject(s):
Енергетична ефективність вирощування квасолі звичайної (Phaseolus vulgaris l.) при зрошенні в умовах Південного Степу України Journal title: Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва Authors: В.О. Ушкаренко Subject(s):
A Clinical Study to Evaluate Debridement Efficacy of Ultrasonic Irrigation Followed By Hand Rotary Instrumentation in Anterior Teeth Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Ankita Agrawal, Harsh Kumar Subject(s):
The impact of sewage water on growth promotion and yield in wheat crop plants in Bilaspur city (C.G) India Journal title: International Journal of Life Science Authors: Uttara Tewari, AN Bahadur, Prerna Soni Subject(s):
Efficacy of Diode Laser in Root Canal Disinfection Journal title: Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research Authors: Neeraj Sharma, Jasmine Kaur, Munisha Sharma Subject(s):