A Short Review on Water Quality and Its Treatment

Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET)

Authors: Prajakta Jayant Talekar, Dr P.G Jadhav

Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics

Role of UN in tackling Cyber Crime

Journal title: International Journal of Research in Social Sciences

Authors: Pallvi Sharma

Subject(s): Economics, Education, Law, Linguistics, History , Anthropology, Geography

Tablighi Jamaat : Ideological Structure

Journal title: International Journal of Research in Social Sciences

Authors: Rameez Ahmad Lone

Subject(s): Economics, Education, Law, Linguistics, History , Anthropology, Geography

A Rule Based Punjabi Dialect Conversion System

Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET)

Authors: Arvinder Singh, Parminder Singh

Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics

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