Optimization of Waste Discharge Points in Natural Streams Journal title: Trends in Civil Engineering and its Architecture Authors: Ezeilo FE, Agunwamba JC Subject(s):
Smart City by Smart Lighting: Utilizing Smart Lighting in Urban Texture Based on Effective Using of Power to Save in Macro Economy and Create Diversity in Cities Journal title: Trends in Civil Engineering and its Architecture Authors: Amir Reza Goudarzi Subject(s):
Structural Insulated Panels: State-of-the-Art Journal title: Trends in Civil Engineering and its Architecture Authors: Panjehpour A Subject(s):
Plastic in Brick Application Journal title: Trends in Civil Engineering and its Architecture Authors: Siti Nabilah Amir, Nur Zulaikha Yusof Subject(s):
Physico-Mechanical Properties of Plaster Mortar Reinforced with Date Palm Fibers Journal title: Trends in Civil Engineering and its Architecture Authors: Rachedi Mokhtar, Kriker Abdelouahed Subject(s):
Endodontic Management of Maxillary First Molar with 7 Canals - A Case Report Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Ajit Hindlekar, Srinidhi SR, Jay Khatri, Niranjan Desai, Omkar Balsaraf Subject(s):
Esthetic & Function: The 4D Solution A Clinical Evaluation Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Sebastien Felenc, Maxime Jaisson Subject(s):
Computerised Occlusal Analysis Utilising T Scan™ and it’s Implications in Periodontology Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Sreelakshmi CK, Kishore HC, Prabhuji MLV, Rudrakshi C, Prafulla Thumati, Kalaiarasi S Subject(s):
Combined Ortho-Surgical Treatment of A Patient With Facial Asymmetry Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Siddharth Mehta, Abhay T Kamath, G Srikanth, Adarsh kudva Subject(s):
Implant Impression: What about Splinted Impression Copings? Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Debbabi Imen, Saafi Jilani, Harzallah Belhassen, Cherif Mounir Subject(s):
Why are Children Afraid of Dental Work? Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Karimi M Subject(s):
Tongue Tie and Breastfeeding: of the Gap or Another Hype? Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Michael AB Naafs Subject(s):
Dental DNA Finger printing Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Michael AB Naafs Subject(s):
Survey of Dental Abscesses in Elementary School Patients in Shiraz between Years of 2016-2017 Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Karimi M Subject(s):
Exposomics and Growth Rings in the Teeth Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Michael AB Naafs Subject(s):