A FIELD RESEARCH ON CLOSED TOWN MUNICIPAL WITH LAW NO. 6360 PROBLEMS SUCH AS THE EFFECTIVENESS SERVICE, PRODUCTIVITY AND REPRESENTATION: THE CASE OF MUNICIPAL ÖNSEN Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Aziz BELLİ Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
Tourism Development in the Municipalities in Eastern Aukštaitija Region Turizmo plėtros sąlygos Rytų Aukštaitijos regiono savivaldybėse Journal title: Socialiniai tyrimai Authors: Vladimiras Gražulis, Ramutė Narkūnienė Subject(s):
Community Knowledge and Perceptions on Malaria and Its Prevention and Control in the Akwapim North Municipality, Ghana Journal title: International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health Authors: Joseph K. L. Opare, A. Antobre-Boateng, E. Afari, F. Wurapa, J. Abankwah, D. Kyeiwa-Asante, K. Torny... Subject(s):
Evolution of the Dominant Groups of Micro-organisms during the Composting Process of the Household Refuses from the Dschang Municipality – Cameroon Journal title: Microbiology Research Journal International Authors: Temgoua Emile, Ntangmo Tsafack Honorine, Koueudeu Kameni Georges Simplice, Ngnikam Emmanuel Subject(s):
Drivers of Growth of Women-Owned Micro Enterprises in Meru Municipality, Kenya Journal title: Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies Authors: Justus Nderitu Maina, JedidahKarwitha Mwiti Subject(s):
Assessing Food Quality Delivery in the School Feeding Programme and Its Impacts on Enrolment: A Study of Some Public Basic Schools in Bawku Municipality of Ghana Journal title: Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies Authors: Grace EfuaOwusuGyasi, Maureen Nkansah Asante, John Adanse, SussanaAntwi Boasiako Subject(s):
Relationship between Christian Parenting and Employment: An Exploratory Study of Seventh-Day Adventist Church (SDA) Perspective in Arusha Municipality Tanzania Journal title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Alexander Mwita, Musa Muneja Subject(s):
Identification and risk analysis of environmental management system imple mentation projects in municipalities Journal title: Science and Education a New Dimension Authors: N. Gurets Subject(s):
LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN RUSSIA Journal title: Journal «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research» Authors: Nikita Krylov, Igor Stepanenko Subject(s): Archaeology, Economics, Humanities, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Art History , History , Anthropology, Sociology
ORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC AUTHORITY AS THE BASIS OF DECENTRALIZATION REFORM IN EUROPEAN STATES Journal title: Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування Authors: Iaroslav Liubchenko Subject(s):
Vida Municipal e iglesia en Cehegín durante la República y la Restauración borbónica Journal title: Alquipir Authors: Baldomero de Maya Sánchez Subject(s): Art History , History , Humanities - History
The organizational climate and user satisfaction in a municipality (El Clima organizacional y satisfacción del usuario al recibir atención en una municipalidad) Journal title: Gestiones. Authors: GladysEspinoza Vasquez RossanaEnithJuarez-Gutierrez Subject(s): Social Sciences