Cheated minerals in animal nutrition Journal title: International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research Authors: Nematollah Dayyani| Lecturer of Payam Noor university, Faculty of Agriculture, Qom, Iran, E-mail: Da... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Anatomy, Physiology
Trace Mineral Requirements for Dairy Cattle Journal title: International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research Authors: Amir Hossein Asgari Safdar| Young Researchers and Elite Club, Baft Branch, Islamic Azad University,... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Anatomy, Physiology
Assessment of Abarkouh Region to Construct Solar Sites Journal title: International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research Authors: Alireza Dehghanpour Farashah| Department of Geography, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran, Amir Hos... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Anatomy, Physiology
Continuity of Care Literature review and implications Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Mohammed Alazri| Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, College of Medicine and Health Sci... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
Mineral contents from some fabaceous plant species of Rajasthan desert Journal title: Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research Authors: B.B.S.Kapoor| Herbal Research laboratory, P.G. Department of Botany, Dungar College, Bikaner, Rajast... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Pharmacology
Mineral contents from some fabaceous plant species of Rajasthan desert Journal title: Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research Authors: B.B.S.Kapoor| Herbal Research laboratory, P.G. Department of Botany, Dungar College, Bikaner, Rajast... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Pharmacology
Developing Communication Skills for the General Practice Consultation Process Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Jørgen Nystrup| World Federation for Medical Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, Te Panum Institu... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
Effect of Synthetic Tissue Fluid on Microleakage of Grey and White Mineral Trioxide Aggregate as Root-End Filling Materials An in vitro study Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Mehrdad Lotf| Research Center of Pharmaceutical Nano Technology, Tabriz University (Medical Sciences... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
Dental and Anaesthetic Challenges in a Patient with Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Ali Al-Abadi| Departments of Anaesthesia & ICU, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman, Sal... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
General Anaesthesia Protocols for Patients Undergoing Electroconvulsive Therapy Retrospective analysis of 504 sessions over a fve-year period at a tertiary care hospital in Oman Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Aravind Narayanan| Departments of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Unit, Sultan Qaboos University Hospit... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
ELIMINATION DU PYROGALLOL ET DU PHLOROGLUCINOL PAR LE SULFATE D’ALUMINIUM ET EFFET DE LA MINERALISATION Journal title: Larhyss Journal Authors: HECINI L.| Laboratoire de Recherche en Hydraulique Souterraine et de Surface – LARHYSS – Faculté des... Subject(s): Hydrology
TINJA : UN CHENAL DE TRANSITION HYDROLOGIQUE ET GEOCHIMIQUE ENTRE LAGUNE DE BIZERTE ET GARAET ICHKEUL (NE TUNISIEN) Journal title: Larhyss Journal Authors: SRARFI F.| Université de Gafsa, Faculté des Sciences de Gafsa, 2100, SAHLI H.| UR-GAMM, Université... Subject(s): Hydrology
HYDROCHIMIE DES EAUX SOUTERRAINES DE LA RÉGION D’ADIAKÉ (SUD-EST CÔTIER DE LA CÔTE D’IVOIRE) Journal title: Larhyss Journal Authors: EBLIN S.G.| Laboratoire des Sciences et Techniques de l’Eau et de l’Environnement (LSTEE), Unité de... Subject(s): Hydrology
ETUDE DES EAUX SOUTERRAINES DE LA PLAINE D’HENAYA (BASSIN DE LA TAFNA - NW ALGERIEN) Journal title: Larhyss Journal Authors: BEMMOUSSAT A.| Département d'hydraulique, Faculté de Technologie, Université de Tlemcen, Algérie, La... Subject(s): Hydrology
DEFORMATION ANALYSIS OF GPS AUSCULTATION NETWORK BASED ON GENERALIZED REGRESSION NEURAL NETWORK (GRNN) Journal title: Larhyss Journal Authors: GOURINE B.| Division de Géodésie Spatiale – Centre des Techniques Spatiales (CTS). P.O. Box 13, 3120... Subject(s): Hydrology