Loss of parental responsibility – a new legal instrument between need of protection of the best interest of the child and respect of parent fundamental rights Journal title: Academicus - International Scientific Journal Authors: Sonila Omari Subject(s):
Family law matters in a European dimension - A comparative perspective between Brussels II bis Regulation and the new Albanian Act on private international law. Journal title: Academicus - International Scientific Journal Authors: Eniana Qarri Subject(s):
Czy dopuszczalna jest zmiana nazwiska małoletniego w trybie administracyjnym? Journal title: Metryka. Studia z zakresu prawa osobowego i rejestracji stanu cywilnego Authors: Grażyna Nauka Subject(s):
THE ROLE OF THE FAMILY IN THE INTEGRATION OF CHILDREN INTO THE SOCIETY Journal title: Revista Universitara de Sociologie Authors: Maria PESCARU Subject(s):
The role of the family court in Poland in preventing manifestations of demoralization and juvenile delinquency on the example of preventive and re-socialization activities of probation officers Journal title: The Polish Journal of Criminology Authors: Łukasz Wirkus Subject(s):
We See This By The Father-Filial Responsibility Journal title: Yaşam Becerileri Psikoloji Dergisi Authors: Emine Er, Yener Ozen Subject(s):
PEDAGOGICAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR INCREASING WOMEN'S INTEREST IN SOCIAL ACTIVITY Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Karimova H.K. Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science
Relationship between parenting styles and self-efficacy in preadolescents in Salcedo-Ecuador Journal title: Revista Eugenio Espejo Authors: Ortiz Hidalgo, Jocelyne Daniela; Poveda Ríos, Mario Santiago Subject(s): Medicine, Psychology