Common Interest Spheres of the Iranian-European Relations Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences Authors: Mohammadhoussein Hajlu| Candidate for a Degree of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the Insti... Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
Przywódcy polityczni: Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De – przestrzeń współpracy i rywalizacji Journal title: Cywilizacja i Polityka Authors: Marian Tadeusz Mencel Subject(s):
Normative and legal framework of the Canadian-Russian relations as a prerequisite for a mutually beneficial partnership Journal title: Eminak Authors: Ludmyla Vovchuk, Kateryna Andreieva Subject(s): Archaeology, Humanities, Social Sciences, History
УЧАСТИЕ ВОЕННЫХ ФОРМИРОВАНИЙ СНГ В МИРОТВОРЧЕСКИХ ОПЕРАЦИЯХ ПОД ЭГИДОЙ ООН Journal title: Science Review Authors: Рамиля Рафаиловна Чукалова Subject(s):
Uwarunkowania stosunków chińsko-rosyjskich na początku XXI wieku Journal title: Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe Authors: Marian Mencel Subject(s):
Evoluția competențelor instituțiilor Uniunii Europene în domeniul politicii externe Journal title: Relații Internaționale Plus Authors: Valentin Beniuc Subject(s):
The evolution of the competences of the European Union´s institutions in the foreign policy field Journal title: Relații Internaționale Plus Authors: Valentin Beniuc, Liliana Beniuc Subject(s):
A New Military and Political Landscape in the Arctic: China Perspective Journal title: Arctic and North Authors: Petrovskiy V.E. Subject(s): Economics, Social Sciences, Political Science