Bag of Features Model Using the New Approaches: A Comprehensive Study Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: CHOUGRAD Hiba, ZOUAKI Hamid, ALHEYANE Omar Subject(s):
Determinant of Capital Structure:An Empirical Study of Cement Sector of Pakistan Journal title: Asian Journal of Management Sciences and Education Authors: Ishtiaq Khan, Saeed Ullah Jan, Mushtaq Khan Subject(s):
A Security Framework for Replication Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: T. Subramani, S. Varma, R. Kabileshwaran Subject(s):
Essence and Classification of the Basic Types of the Integrated Business Structures Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Inna Kosata Subject(s):
An Efficient Security Way of Authentication and Pair wise Key Distribution with Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: P. Santhi Subject(s):
Percolation of the World Stock Market in the Face of Global Uncertainty Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Iryna Shkodina Subject(s):
Development of Entrepreneurial Activity of the Processing Industry under Conditions of Deepening of Integration Processes Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Pedram Daniali Subject(s):
Improvement of State Support for Agricultural Insurance Journal title: Oblik i finansi Authors: Yulia Aleskerova Subject(s): Economics, Banks and Banking, Finance and Financial Services, Marketing, Accounting, Management, Business, Finance
Archaeological and Numismatic Findings from Dig CLXXXV at Bolgar Fortified Settlement Journal title: Поволжская Археология Authors: Alexey Bugarchev, Maxim Sivitskiy Subject(s):
Archaeological and numismatical findings from the vicinitie of Bolshiye Atrjasi village (Tetjushy district of Tatarstan Republic) Journal title: Поволжская Археология Authors: Konstantin Rudenko, Aleksey Bugarchev Subject(s):
Konogray V. A. Syntaxonomy of the vegetation class Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea of Kremenchug reservoir Journal title: Вісник Черкаського університету: Серія Біологічні науки Authors: Subject(s):
Carpooling scheme selection for taxi carpooling passengers: a multi-objective model and optimisation algorithm Journal title: Archives of Transport Authors: Qiang Xiao, Rui-chun He Subject(s):
SOME HAVE THOUGHT THAT BEFORE THE FORMATION OF THE TECHNOSPHERE Journal title: Вісник Донбаського державного педагогічного університету, Серія: Соціально-філософські проблеми розвитку людини і суспільства: збірник наукових праць Authors: O. Alieva, M. Jukova Subject(s):
Waterworks in medieval Iranian architecture, with an emphasis on palace-gardens and houses Journal title: تاریخ و فرهنگ Authors: Afeefeh Khedengi, Abdolrahim Ghanavat, Mehrdad Sedghi Subject(s):
Изменчивость показателей плюсовых деревьев кедра сибирского по семенной и стволовой продуктивности в Сибири [Variability of cedar siberian plus trees indicators on seed and stem productivity in the conditions of Siberia] Journal title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України Authors: Rimma Matveeva, Olga Butorova, Natalia Bratilova Subject(s):