BEHAVIOR & STABILITY ANALYSIS OF GEOGRID REINFORCED EARTHWALL: A CASE STUDY IN VIZIANAGARAM (A.P) Journal title: International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology Authors: ABDUL ASIF BAIG and ADITYA KUMAR TIWARY Subject(s): Engineering, Civil Engineering
FIBER-REINFORCED CONCRETE: POLYDISPERSE REINFORCEMENT Journal title: International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology Authors: DARIA D. SAIDAKOVA, ALEKSANDR V. STRELCHENKO, YEVGENIA M. LAZAREVA, DMITRY S. MATVEEV, SERGEY V. TRO... Subject(s): Engineering, Civil Engineering
К ВОПРОСУ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ КЛАССА СТАЛЬНОЙ СТЕРЖНЕВОЙ АРМАТУРЫ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Елизова Ж.П. , Бухаров Е.Н. , Сидоров А.С. , Трофимов Д.М. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ОТХОДОВ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ ДЛЯ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ВЯЖУЩИХ В ДОРОЖНОЙ ОТРАСЛИ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Слободчикова Н.А. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
НОВЫЕ ПОДХОДЫ К РЕШЕНИЮ ЗАДАЧ ДЕФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ С ТРЕЩИНАМИ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Митасов В.М. , Логунова М.А. , Стаценко Н.В. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
АНАЛИЗ КОРРЕЛЯЦИИ СОБСТВЕННЫХ ЧАСТОТ И ВЕКТОРОВ КОЛЕБАНИЙ КОНЕЧНО-ЭЛЕМЕНТНЫХ МОДЕЛЕЙ ПРОЛЕТНЫХ СТРОЕНИЙ МОСТОВ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Забелин А.В. , Пыхалов А.А. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
МЕТОДИКИ ПОДБОРА СОСТАВОВ ГРУНТОВ, УКРЕПЛЕННЫХ ИЗВЕСТЬЮ, ДЛЯ ДОРОЖНОГО СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Лофлер М. , Слободчикова Н.А. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
Impact test on natural fiber reinforced polymer composite materials Journal title: Carbon - Science and Technology Authors: D. Chandramohan, J. Bharanichandar Subject(s): Chemistry, Engineering, Science, Technology
Performance of polymer gears reinforced with sisal woven rovings Journal title: Carbon - Science and Technology Authors: A. Faizur Rahman, R. Santhosh, A. P. Senthil Kumar, B. Giriraj, A. P. Arun Subject(s): Chemistry, Engineering, Science, Technology
Jute fibre reinforced plastic: evaluation of application based properties Journal title: Carbon - Science and Technology Authors: J. B. Sajin, R. Sivasubramanian, R. Nagalingam, M. Sivakumar Subject(s): Chemistry, Engineering, Science, Technology
Analiza wytężenia słupów żelbetowych metodą relaksacji dynamicznej Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Anna Szcześniak, Adam Stolarski Subject(s):
Effort analysis of reinforced concrete columns using dynamic relaxation method Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Anna Szcześniak, Adam Stolarski Subject(s):
Analysis of crack and strain states of high performance reinforced fiber concrete beams Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Tomasz Trzepieciński Subject(s):
Anizotropowe właściwości tarciowe blach stalowych karoseryjnych Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Tomasz Trzepieciński Subject(s):
Stany zarysowania i odkształcenia belek żelbetowych z betonu wysokowartościowego z dodatkiem włókien Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Piotr Smarzewski Subject(s):