Evaluación de la calidad ética y del contenido de los recursos online para padres Journal title: Comunicar Authors: Arminda Suárez-Perdomo, Sonia Byrne, Maria-José Rodrigo Subject(s):
Mediación parental del uso de Internet en el alumnado de Primaria: creencias, estrategias y dificultades Journal title: Comunicar Authors: Isabel Bartau-Rojas, Ana Aierbe-Barandiaran, Eider Oregui-González Subject(s):
IMPACT OF PARENTAL EDUCATION ON SOCIAL CAPITAL Journal title: IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature ( IMPACT : IJRHAL ) Authors: Swarupa Lakshmi Subject(s):
THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ISSUES REGARDING THE CHILD’S CARE Journal title: Challenges of the knowledge society ( Provocari ale societatii cunoasterii ) Authors: Dan LUPAȘCU, Cristian MAREȘ Subject(s):
PARENTAL AUTHORITY VERSUS COMMON CUSTODY Journal title: Challenges of the knowledge society ( Provocari ale societatii cunoasterii ) Authors: Anca Magda VOICULESCU Subject(s):
The rental policy in the natural resource sector of Ukraine Journal title: Економічний вісник університету Authors: Stefaniia Dobroskok Subject(s):
Corporal Punishment of Children: An Instance of the Challenge of Cultural Relativism and the Universality of Human Rights of Children Journal title: The Journal of Human Rights Authors: Amir Hamzeh Zeinali, Hussein Jom̒epour Subject(s):
Parental acceptance-rejection in the development of social anxiety in the childhood: The mediating role of automatic thoughts Journal title: Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi Authors: Gözde Tezcan, Gülsen Erden, İbrahim Yiğit Subject(s):
Features of the standard evaluation of agricultural land in 2017 Journal title: Проблеми безперервної географічної освіти і картографії Authors: Vladimir Opara, Helen Dombrovskaya Subject(s):
The place of lessors of land shares in the system of agricultural marketing in Ukraine Journal title: Annals of Marketing Management & Economics Authors: Yaroslava Larina, Valentyna Rafalska Subject(s):
Perceived Parental Behaviour as Predictor of In-school Adolecent Sexual Risk Behaviour in Ibadan, Nigeria Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Aderonke A. Akintola Subject(s):
Frequency of Deworming, Parental Perception and Factors Associated with the Practice of Deworming School-age Children in North-East Nigeria Journal title: International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health Authors: Madubueze Ugochukwu Chinyem, Una Alfred Friday, Tafawa Balewa Ibrahim, Iwu Anthony Chinedu, Azuogu B... Subject(s):
Students’ Mathematics Interest Development in Ghana- the Role of Parental Involvement and Agents of Student Motivation Journal title: Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology Authors: Yarhands Dissou Arthur, Samuel Asiedu–Addo, Charles Assuah Subject(s):
Investigating Saudi Parents’ Intention to Adopt Technical Mediation Tools to Regulate Children’s Internet Usage Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Ala’a Bassam Al-Naim, Md Maruf Hasan Subject(s):
СОЦІАЛЬНИЙ ЗАХИСТ ДІТЕЙ-СИРІТ ТА ДІТЕЙ, ПОЗБАВЛЕНИХ БАТЬКІВСЬКОГО ПІКЛУВАННЯ В УКРАЇНІ Journal title: International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science Authors: Ольга Сергіївна Прокопенко Subject(s):