RISK ASSESSMENT OF NETWORK SECURITY BASED ON NON-OPTIMUM CHARACTERISTICS ANALYSIS Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Ping He Subject(s):
PRINCIPLES OF ESTABLISHING OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS FOR CARCINOGENS IN POLAND AND IN OTHER EU COUNTRIES Journal title: Medycyna Pracy Authors: Jolanta Skowroń, Sławomir Czerczak Subject(s): Medicine, Occupational Therapy
Survey: Risk Assessment for Cloud Computing Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Drissi S., Houmani H., Medromi H. Subject(s):
Risk Assessment in Online Banking System Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER TRENDS & TECHNOLOGY Authors: K.V.D. Kiran , P.Sruthi , P.S. Neema , G .V.S. Manju Vani , Rishikesh Sahu Subject(s):
MACROPRUDENTIAL BANKING SUPERVISION AND CONDITIONS OF ENSURING ITS EFFECTIVENESS Journal title: Економіка розвитку Authors: S. Naumenkova , K. Tsytsyk Subject(s):
On the Conditional Probabilities in PRA Journal title: INCAS BULLETIN Authors: Casandra Venera BALAN Subject(s):
Environmental health effects in the East Baltic Region--assessment and prevention.Stockholm 27-29 April 1997. Journal title: Central European Journal of Public Health Authors: V Bencko, G Pershagen Subject(s):
PARTICULAR ASPECTS RELATED TO THE MEMDUR APPLICATION INTERFACE Journal title: Journal of Science And Arts Authors: GABRIEL GORGHIU, CATALIN RISTEA, CARMEN LEANE NICOLESCU, MIHAI BIZOI Subject(s): Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Nuclear Physics, Science
Risk Aspects of Investment Projects in the Field of Nuclear Energy Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Renata Iaresko Subject(s):
Resource-Diversity Tolerant: Resource Allocation in the Cloud Infrastructure Services Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Mr.Surya Bahadur, , S. Ramachandra Subject(s):
Risk Assessment of Using Entonox for the Relief of Labor Pain: A Healthcare Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Approach. Journal title: Electronic Physician Authors: Tahereh Fathi Najafi, Narjes Bahri, Hosein Ebrahimipour, Ali Vafaee Najar, Yasamin Molavi Taleghani Subject(s):
Project risk assessment using fuzzy inference system Journal title: Logistics and Transport Authors: Iwona Pisz Subject(s):
Modelling of Some Stealth Features for a Small Navy Ship at the Concept Design Stage Journal title: Logistics and Transport Authors: Natalia Formela, Mirosław Kazimierz Gerigk Subject(s):
Risk-based supervision in financial monitoring system Journal title: Науковий вісник Полтавського університету економіки і торгівлі. Серія "Економічні науки" Authors: S. Yehorycheva Subject(s):
VALUE-AT-RISK ПОРТФЕЛЮ ЦІННИХ ПАПЕРІВ PORTFOLIO VALUE-AT-RISK Journal title: Наукові записки Національного університету "Острозька академія", серія "Економіка" Authors: Valentyn Khokhlov Subject(s):