VOCABULARIO DE HUON LE ROI DE CAMBRAI EN LA VIE DE SAINT QUENTIN Journal title: Estudios Románicos Authors: Gloria Ríos Guardiola Subject(s): Linguistics, Literature, Languages and Literature, Philology
ПРИНЦИП СЕН-ВЕНАНА и СТЕСНЕННОЕ КРУЧЕНИЕ ТОНКОСТЕННЫХ СТЕРЖНЕЙ ОТКРЫТОГО ПРОФИЛЯ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Гольдштейн Ю.Б. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
DOGS WITH A PURPOSE SAINT FRANCIS SERVICE DOGS: ASSISTING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Journal title: Medical Science Pulse Authors: Carol B. Willoughby Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine
Psy mające cel. Psy Św. Franciszka: wspomagające osoby z niepełnosprawnością Journal title: Medical Science Pulse Authors: Carol B. Willoughby Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine
COMPARISON OF LONG ACTING β2 - AGONISTS IN THE ASTHMATIC PATIENTS AND ASSESSMENT OF THEIR KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Sundaran Siraj , N. Premkumar, S.D. Rajendran, S. Saji Subject(s):
The Hagia Sophia in Trebizond - a milestone in Byzantine religious architecture Journal title: Codrul Cosminului Authors: Vasile Demciuc Subject(s):
L’église Sainte Sophie de Trébizonde – un repère dans l’architecture religieuse byzantine Journal title: Codrul Cosminului Authors: Vasile Demciuc Subject(s):
The Wooden Church “Saint Hierarch Nicholas” – a historical monument and a symbol of spiritual culture Journal title: Codrul Cosminului Authors: Tudor Arnăut, Elena Vorotneac Subject(s):
Defining Undesign in a Designed Universe Journal title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy Authors: David Snoke Subject(s):
AFRICAN VIOLET (SAINTPAULIA IONANTHA L.) EXVITROPLANTLETS ACCLIMATIZATION, IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF SUBSTRATUM Journal title: Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi, Serie noua, Sectiunea II a. Biologie vegetala Authors: ADRIANA PETRUŞ – VANCEA, C. BLIDAR, ANCA BACIU Subject(s):
Ordinary stories, dreams, miracles and social interactions Journal title: Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology Authors: Marilena Papachristophorou Subject(s):
Hagiografia polska. Najnowsze osiągnięcia Journal title: Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN Authors: Roland Prejs Subject(s): Islam, Theology, Quran
Recenzja książki: Grzegorz Kotłowski i Elżbieta Starek "Łacińskie inskrypcje w kościołach Gdańska. Bazylika mariacka", wyd. Bernardinum, Pelplin 2013, ss. 105. Journal title: Collectanea Philologica Authors: Barbara Hartleb-Kropidło Subject(s):