Comparing Tesseract results with and without Character localization for Smartphone application Journal title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology Authors: Snehal Charjan, R. V. Mante, Dr. P. N. Chatur Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
A Survey on Peer to Peer sharing using Cloud Based Mobile Social TV (Cloud MoV) Journal title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology Authors: Rohit Lanjewar, Ashish .S. Sambare, Sachin .R. Jain Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
An Efficient Content Sharing Scheme For Delay-Tolerant Smart Phone Networks Journal title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology Authors: P. Manasa, U.Vinod Kumar Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
Adaptive Minimum Bit Error Rate Beamforming Assisted Detection for QAM Pre-FFT OFDM Communication Systems Journal title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology Authors: Waleed Abdallah, Mohamad Khdair Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
Exploration Distribution And Appliances Problems In Mobile Sensor Networks Journal title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology Authors: K Komali Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
An Improved Security Approach For User authentication Journal title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology Authors: B. Suresh, R. Sailaja Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
Interactions in Smart Environments and the Importance of Modelling Journal title: Romanian Journal of Human - Computer Interaction Authors: Peter Forbrig Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Computer-Human Interaction
Study smart-making barriers and problems in educational complexes Journal title: Journal of Science and today’s world Authors: Khadijeh Ranjbar, Mohammad Esmail Mahdavi Omran, Masumeh Kazempoor, Fatemeh Aghajani, Leila Mahdavi Subject(s): Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Physics, Cellular Biology, Zoology and Animal Science, Geology, Mathematics Education
Mental Health, Depression, Anxiety and Stress: A Comparison Between Students Using Smart Phones and Basic phones Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Shilpa Singh Rohilla Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
Um modelo conceitual para uso de Big Data e Open Data para Smart Cities Journal title: International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Management (IJKEM) Authors: Vinicius Barreto Klein, Jose Leomar Todesco Subject(s): Engineering, Management Science
El tratamiento de la información en la investigación educativa (una propuesta informatizada en entorno Pc) Journal title: Píxel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación Authors: Gregorio Rodríguez Gómez, Ana Corrales Pérez, Javier Gil Flores, Eduardo García Jiménez Subject(s): Education
Biodiversity in the urban park of Lama Balice between protection and enhancement: the BASE project Journal title: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) Authors: Elvira Tarsitano, Marcello Colao, Palma Sinibaldi Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Biology
Amidst ageing challenges, we can’t be left out in the smartphones-selfie bug: Narratives of the elderly in Edo State, Nigeria Journal title: Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology Authors: Adediran Daniel Ikuomola Subject(s): Social Sciences, Anthropology, Sociology
Modelación dinámica de la demanda y oferta de una micro-red eléctrica Journal title: MASKANA Authors: Andrés E. Cabrera, Hugo X. Cueva, Rodrigo E. Sempértegui, Juan L. Espinoza, Diego R. Ochoa, Andrea P... Subject(s): Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science
Análisis crítico de la planificación urbana de la Ciudad de Cuenca Journal title: MASKANA Authors: Mario Ernesto Donoso Correa Subject(s): Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science