A Multifactor Statistical Model for Analysing the Physico-Chemical Variables in the Coastal Area at St-Louis and Tamarin, Mauritius Journal title: Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods Authors: Vandna JOWAHEER, Varunah LALBAHADOOR, Roshan RAMESSUR, Lutchmee DOSORUTH Subject(s):
OPTIMIZATION OF ENGINEERING STRUCTURES RECONSTRUCTION ON THE ORGANIZATIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS Journal title: Вестник Харьковского национального автомобильно-дорожного университета Authors: A. Nikiforov, I. Meneylyuk, M. Ershov Subject(s):
Illustrative Application of a Firefighting and Rescue Response Model Journal title: Safety & Fire Technology Authors: dr hab. inż. Jarosław Prońko, prof. UJK, st. bryg. w st. spocz. mgr inż. Jan Kielin, mgr Beata Wo... Subject(s):
Statistical models for epidemiological data analysis Journal title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής Authors: P. GALANIS, L. SPAROS Subject(s):
Credit Risk Statistics Testing Methods Journal title: Revista Romana de Statistica Authors: Constantin ANGHELACHE, Vergil VOINEAGU, Elena BUGUDUI, Bogdan DRAGOMIR Subject(s): Mathematics, Statistics , Science
Time Trend of the People lost follow up on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Services in Nepal: A Epidemiological Modelling Journal title: Indian Journal of Community Health (IJCH) Authors: Brijesh Sathian, Sudhir Adhikari, Jayadevan Sreedharan, Indrajit Banerjee, Bedanta Roy, Rajesh... Subject(s):
System Analysis of the Profitability of Banks in Ukraine Journal title: Бізнес Інформ Authors: Ganna Karcheva Subject(s):
Przykład zastosowania modelu reagowania systemu ratowniczo-gaśniczego Journal title: Safety & Fire Technology Authors: dr hab. inż. Jarosław Prońko, prof. UJK, st. bryg. w st. spocz. mgr inż. Jan Kielin, mgr Beata Wo... Subject(s):
Repetition the drought types of weather in Kharkiv region Journal title: Проблеми безперервної географічної освіти і картографії Authors: Yuri Kobchenko, Oleg Kobchenko, Vyacheslav Rezunenko Subject(s):
Comparison of Undergraduate Nursing Education in Iran and George Washington University Journal title: Educational Research in Medical Sciences Authors: Rostam Jalali, Fatemeh Rigi, Naser Parizad, Zainab Amirian Subject(s): Education, Medicine
Statistical Modeling of Tear Strength for One Step Fixation Process of Reactive Printing and Easy Care Finishing Journal title: Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: Fariha Asim, Muzzaffar Mahmood Subject(s):
Multivariate statistical modeling in the study of processes in the technical processing of metals Journal title: Вісник Житомирського державного технологічного університету. Серія: Технічні науки Authors: I.P. Siminchenko, О.V. Malygin Subject(s):
Investigation of geometry of placement of points of pseudo-random codes in Euclidean space Journal title: КОМП’ЮТЕРНІ НАУКИ ТА КІБЕРБЕЗПЕКА Authors: Tamila Lavrovska Subject(s):
The Risks Associated with Agricultural Production in the Average Farm in Poland Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej Authors: Jadwiga Zaród Subject(s):
The Development of Web-based Graphical User Interface for Learning and Fitting Generalized Estimating Equation with Spline Smoothers Journal title: Jurnal ILMU DASAR Authors: IM. Tirta, Dian Anggraeni Subject(s):