Structural characterization of Carane Derivative Stereoisomers Journal title: Acta Physica Polonica, A Authors: Jacek Grochowski, Pawel Serda, Marta Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, Ryszard Czarnecki, Tadeusz Librowski, Sta... Subject(s):
Influence of the Heat Treatment on the Tribological Characteristics of the Ti-based Alloy for Biomedical Applications Journal title: Tribology in Industry Authors: I. CVIJOVIĆ-ALAGIĆ, S. MITROVIĆ, Z. CVIJOVIĆ, Đ. VELJOVIĆ, M. BABIĆ Subject(s):
Insilco Gene Expression Profiling and Comparative Analysis of Legionellosis Journal title: International Journal of Novel Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: G Mogileeswari, K Shoba Subject(s):
Characterization of thermally oxidized titanium based coating Journal title: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Authors: D. Cetiner, A.H. Paksoy, O. Tazegul, E. Atar, H. Cimenoglu Subject(s): Engineering
Effects of multi-pass FSP on the β phase (Mg17Al12) distribution and mechanical properties of AZ91C magnesium alloy Journal title: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Authors: S. Rouhi, M. Dadashpour, A. Mostafapour Subject(s): Engineering
Investigation of Structural Features of Prunes (Prunus domestica) Insoluble Dietary Fibers Journal title: Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Therapy Authors: Cantu-Jungles Thaisa Moro, Iacomini Marcello, Cordeiro Lucimara MC Subject(s):