Use of the Toyota management principles for evaluation of the company’s mission Journal title: Production Engineering Archives Authors: Jacek Selejdak Subject(s): Engineering, Educational Technology, Mechanical Engineering
Using BOST method to the concept development estimation Journal title: Production Engineering Archives Authors: Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka Subject(s): Engineering, Educational Technology, Mechanical Engineering
Presentation of results using the BOST meth-od in food industry Journal title: Production Engineering Archives Authors: Stanisław Borkowski, Kamila Adamus Subject(s): Engineering, Educational Technology, Mechanical Engineering
Identifying variables that influence manufacturing product quality Journal title: Production Engineering Archives Authors: Krzysztof Mielczarek, Marek Krynke Subject(s): Engineering, Educational Technology, Mechanical Engineering
An evaluation of realization of the production process in the cement mill Journal title: Production Engineering Archives Authors: Krzysztof Mielczarek, Marek Krynke Subject(s): Engineering, Educational Technology, Mechanical Engineering
The Dilemma of Toyota Production System Implementation. A Case Study of Taiwan Machine Tool Industries Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences Authors: Shi-Yuan Lai, Chih-Hung Tsai, Liang-Ying Wei, Rong-Kwei Li, Min-Jer Lu Subject(s):
Bariery w stosowaniu koncepcji lean management Journal title: Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie Authors: Adrian Grycuk Subject(s):
Challenges of Nanotechnologies and Some Reliability Aspects Journal title: Asigurarea Calităţii – Quality Assurance Authors: Titu-Marius I. BĂJENESCU Subject(s):
Język wykładowy w szkołach zaboru rosyjskiego jako przedmiot obrad Komitetu do Spraw Królestwa Polskiego Journal title: Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy Authors: Ewa Kula Subject(s): Education, History
Wsparcie nauki programowania w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej z wykorzystaniem EduMATRIX Journal title: Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka Authors: Agata M. WIJATA, Anita POLLAK, MARCIN D. BUGDOL, MARIA J. BIEŃKOWSKA, ANDRZEJ W. MITAS Subject(s):
Popularization of traditional children’s games through information-communication technology in contemporary education Journal title: Edutainment Authors: Adnan Tufekčić Subject(s):
The behavioural pattern of domestic swine (Sus scrofa f. domestica) and the possibility of its use in breeding and rearing. A review Journal title: Journal of Animal Science, Biology and Bioeconomy Authors: Sylwia Paprocka, Marek Babicz, Kinga Kropiwiec, Patryca Kołodziej, Konrad Grzesiuk, Sebastian Knaga Subject(s):
Уход Льва Толстого (1910) в оценке русской и польской прессы Journal title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA Authors: Joanna Piotrowska Subject(s):
"Космология любви” в художественной системе А. К. Толстого и А. А. Кондратьева Journal title: Питання літературознавства Authors: Vadim Smirnov Subject(s):
Między Wschodem a Zachodem. Filozoficzne inspiracje Michaiła Arcybaszewa w kontekście wątków tanatologicznych Journal title: Acta Neophilologica Authors: Patryk Witczak Subject(s): Linguistics, Literature, Languages and Literature, Philology