5000 ppm F (1.1% NaF) toothpastes – current state of knowledge
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2016, Vol 69, Issue 2
Introduction. Epidemiological studies conducted at the beginning of the 21st century indicate a global increase in the incidence of caries in all age groups. Dynamic changes in nutritional patterns – increased consumption of sugar, badly conducted fluoride prophylaxis and inappropriate oral hygiene are seen as the main causes. In industrialised countries, treatment of caries and its sequelae accounts for 5% to 10% of the health budget. Aim of the study. To perform a systematic literature review of the current scientific position on toothpastes containing 5000 ppm F (1.1% NaF). Methods. The data were collected with the use of Medline, PubMed and Cochrane Library. The search entries were: biofilm, caries, caries prevention, remineralisation, fluorides and 5000 ppm F toothpastes. Conclusion. On the basis of the collected data it can be concluded that 5000 ppm F (1.1% NaF) toothpastes contribute to a reduction of caries incidence to a much higher extent than generally available toothpastes that contain up to 1500 ppm F. In fact, greater inhibition of demineralisation and an increase of the level of remineralisation of calcified tissues were demonstrated. Moreover, toothpastes with a higher F content contribute to prolonged accumulation of fluorides in the biofilm in the interdental spaces, which increases their cariostatic effect in the case of caries on proximal surfaces.
Authors and Affiliations
Leopold Wagner
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