Evaluation of a questionnaire study among paediatricians and family physicians concerning oral health

Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2010, Vol 63, Issue 11


Aim of the study: To evaluate attitudes and practices of paediatricians and family doctors concerning oral health promotion. Material and methods: A questionnaire study involved 120 paediatricians and family doctors. The questionnaire included items regarding biographic and demographic data, practices promoting oral health, and observed prevalence of dental caries in children and adolescents.Results: A vast majority of doctors declared that they “always” or “mostly”: evaluated the state of child`s dentition, recommended dental visits, inquired if the child falls asleep with feeding bottle or a dummy, the frequency of carbohydrates consumption, sucking of fingers or objects, teeth cleaning, the quantityof consumed milk and milk products. Most doctors believed that the practices promoting oral health should be one of the components of a routine medical visit. Dental caries was observed at least once by 41.7% of physicians in children below the age of 3, by 60.8% in the 3-6 years age group, and by 54.2% in children aged 7-18 years. Conclusions: Most paediatricians and family doctors were convinced that in the case of children the practices promoting oral health should be the permanent component of the routine medical visit. Therefore, the primary prevention of oral diseases has the chance to become one of the preferential activities in public medical health care.

Authors and Affiliations

Urszula Kaczmarek, Barbara Iwańczak, Tomasz Pytrus, Iwona Grzesiak-Gasek


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Urszula Kaczmarek, Barbara Iwańczak, Tomasz Pytrus, Iwona Grzesiak-Gasek (2010). Evaluation of a questionnaire study among paediatricians and family physicians concerning oral health. Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne), 63(11), 693-702. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-57546