A Critical Survey of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis in a Multilingual(Persian & Turkish and English Context) Community

Journal Title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 8, Issue 11


Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis emerged on the basis of structural linguistic and behavioral psychology. To define merits and demerits of CAH, three different versions of it had been proposed by various scholars since 1970 which chronologically arranged as strong version, weak version and moderate version. This study attempted to emphasize the dis/advantages of moderate version of CAH through critical investigation of strong and weak versions. The foundation of this study was on those bilingual people (Persian & Turkish) who were also learners of English as their third language. For this purpose some 100 Iranian EFL learners were selected. During the time of instruction which lasted for 3 months, the learners were assigned to a list of vocabularies, similar to some words of their native or second languages. After conducting the final exam, the results of the study revealed that all learners were successful in producing of those words which were similar or the same in form and meaning in both language systems. This finding also proved the moderate version of CAH which proposed by Oller and Ziahosseiny (1970) to be ambiguous in nature.

Authors and Affiliations

Behnam Behfrouz| Payam Noor University, Joveyn Independent Researcher, email: behnambehfrouz@hotmail.com, Ameneh Joghataee| Payam Noor University, Joveyn Independent Researcher


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How To Cite

Behnam Behfrouz, Ameneh Joghataee (2014). A Critical Survey of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis in a Multilingual(Persian & Turkish and English Context) Community. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, 8(11), 1870-1873. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-6809