A Review: 'On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany''
Journal Title: Eskiyeni - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 35
Düşünce tarihiyle ilgili çalışmalarda, akademik metinlerin rasyonelleştirdiği tarihsel yaklaşımların dışına çıktığımızda, karşılaşacağımız en açık durumlar- dan biri, şairlerin (edebiyatçıların) önceden keşfettiği yerlere, sonradan akademinin girmeyi başardığı gerçeği olacaktır.
Authors and Affiliations
Ömer Gülen
Hocazade’de Haşrın Mahiyeti
The nature of resurrection is an important discussion topic in philosophical thinking. It goes without saying that mead and its content is one of the most difficult issues encountered in Islamic thought with its philosop...
Yunanlı Şeyh’e Göre Bir, Akıl ve Nefs
Plotinus, known as the founder of the Neoplatonism in general philosophy is recognized with the name of ‘Greek Sage’ in the beginning of the translation movement. It is a known fact that Esulucia (Theologia) which is th...
Dil ve Vahiy Tarihine Işık Tutan Çarpıcı Sure Başlıkları: Mukattaa Harfleri
In this study it is tried to read the meanings of the hurufu muqatta’a in sura beginnings in the Koran from the perspectives of history and language. We made some comparisons between the common names and menanings of the...
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This study analyzes the translations of the idiomatic body organs which the Qur’an entails, in the translations of three prominent translators of the Qur’an. This study elucidates that the ultimate provenance of a transl...