A study of HbA1c and dyslipidemia in diabetes mellitus
Journal Title: Medpulse International Journal of Biochemistry - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 1
Background: HbA1c is commonly used as a marker of long term glycemic status. Elevated HbA1c has also been regarded as an independent risk factor for CAD in subjects with or without diabetes Aims and Objectives: To study HbA1C and dyslipidemia in Diabetes Mellitus. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study carried out in the diabetic patients at tertiary health care center during six-month period i.e. January 2017 to July 2017 in the randomly selected 100 known diabetic patients, the diagnosis was confirmed by Oral Glucose tolerance test, in all the patients which selected for study undergone Glycosylated HbA1C, lipid profile. The statistical analysis done by Chi-square test, calculated by SPSS 19 version software. Result: The majority of the patients were in the age group >60 i.e. 32%, 50-60 i.e. 27% follo ed by 40-50-26%, 30-40 i.e. 10%, 20-30 were 5%. The majority of the patients were Male i.e. 69% followed by Female i.e. 31%. Only 7.32 % were dyslipedimic in Normal (6.0%) range, 19.44% in Prediabetic (6.0%-6.4%) range and in the Diabetic (>6.4) range were dyslipedimic, so the majority of the dyslipedimic persons were having HbA1C level in the Diabetic (>6.4) range. Conclusion: It can be concluded from our study dyslipedimia was significantly prevalent in the patients who were having higher HbA1C level .
Authors and Affiliations
L Karpagavel, N Ananthi
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